Mar 29 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 26

Not having to run around and such, I was able to devote a lot more time to my work and got a much more respectable 75 reviews posted. I probably could’ve finished another page, but in the interest of future efficiency, I decided to to do a spellcheck sweep of all the reviews to add names and such to the custom dic to ensure consistent spelling and whatnot. This will save time that would otherwise be spent correcting entries as I go. There will still be some of that, but now there’ll be less of it. Now, if you’re wondering why I didn’t spellcheck them in the first place, recall that I haven’t added terms to the custom dic in years (for reasons I’ve explained in a previous post), so I’m used to seeing tons of red squigglies that don’t mean anything, which makes it easy to overlook actual typos and such. Anyway, I plan on giving the shorts a go next. If I’m super efficient, I could conceivably finish the whole section in one day, but I doubt I’ll do that well. I may knock out the remainder Saturday if I’m fairly close. You’ll find out the plan in the next post. Stay tuned.

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