Sep 29 2019

WIP Update – 24-27 Sep 19

I’ve been inching along in Chapter 13 of JJ2. I’ll have it ready by the deadline, but I’ll probably be cutting it a bit close. Not as close as things’ll be with the next chapter of Tellus, though. Expect delays there. Stay tuned.

Sep 23 2019

WIP Update – 21-23 Sep 19

I’m making progress on Chapter 13 of JJ2. I should finish it up in a day or two and hopefully get through Chapter 14 as well. Stay tuned.

Sep 21 2019

WIP Update – 20 Sep 19

No doubt to the exasperated eyerolls of the audience, I can now say that I’ve finally wrapped Chapter 39 of Tellus. Depressingly, it only took a single paragraph from where I left off Wednesday. Anyway, it’s done and now I’ve got to give myself some breathing room in JJ2. Stay tuned.

Sep 19 2019

WIP Update – 14-18 Sep 19

Saturday I spent a ridiculous amount of time tweaking the positions on the sigil of omnimancy because I was trying to make all the elements overlap in a thematically appropriate way. It was important to have this all ironed out and finalized for the choreography of Chapter 39 of Tellus, which has been bedeviling me all this time. One of the four tetrads doesn’t quite work right, but I’ve got 12 of the 16 elements right where I want them, so that’s going to have to suffice.

I made a little progress on the chapter itself Sunday, then floundered about the next couple days until the floodgates appeared to open. The chapter’s title is “Convocation of Chaos” and one of the main problems that’s been sticking me this long is that the scene is, well, chaotic. There’s too much going on at once, which led me to conclude that I just needed to take advantage of the limits of the active lead’s POV and just bring things to an end. I might’ve been able to pull together the focus to end it, but then an interruption came up and I’ve let myself get derailed again.

Now that I’ve burned up my lead time in JJ2, I really have to get back on the ball. My resident productivity expert doesn’t help, but I don’t really have any business blaming her. I’ve got a three-day weekend coming up, so maybe I can turn things around. Stay tuned.

Sep 10 2019

WIP Update – 08-10 Sep 19

After taking a few days off from writing, I made some decent progress on Chapter 39 of Tellus Sunday, only to accomplish nothing on Monday (even falling asleep before I could complete the simple task of transcribing what I’d written the day before, though I did do some work in the peripheral materials), and then I made only minor progress after that. In short, I don’t have the chapter done, so it looks like the schedule is going to be shifted again. I’d really like to work on something else for a change, but once I get a chapter out, before I know it, it’s time for the next one. Soon I’m going to feel the pinch in JJ2 and CeleKing3 as well, to say nothing of the novels that are in the hopper next. So it goes. I can only do what I can do. Stay tuned.

Sep 03 2019

WIP Update – 01-03 Sep 19

It hasn’t been a lot of progress, but I have been working on Chapter 39 of Tellus. I’d talked about switching over, but I do need to have the chapter finished before next week. At this rate, I’m going to burn through my lead time in the other books and really be stumped. We’ll see what I end up doing. Stay tuned.