Apr 29 2024

WIP Update – 28 Apr 24

I kept working on Chapter 20 of TWH and have it mostly finished. I may continue on TWH for a while longer to get a leg up on the next cycle. We’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned.

Apr 28 2024

WIP Update – 27 Apr 24

While I was able to make respectable progress on Chapter 20 of TWH, I wasn’t able to get it finished, so at this point it looks like delaying the update until next week will be the most prudent course. By this point, readers will be used to such delays. I’m behind on my viewing for review purposes as well, so I’ll have to think about what I’m going to do there as well. For now, I’m going to focus on getting the chapter finished and go from there. Stay tuned.

Apr 27 2024

WIP Update – 25-26 Apr 24

I’m continuing to move along in Chapter 20 of TWH. I was hoping to have the chapter finished by this point, but the mascot insisted on sending me to bed before I could finish. Because I have a three-day weekend, I may just push the release schedule back by a day. We’ll see how things go. Stay tuned.

Apr 24 2024

WIP Update – 23-24 Apr 24

I’ve made a little progress on Chapter 20 of TWH, but I need to pick up the pace if I want to make it to the finish line in time. Stay tuned.

Apr 22 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 38

I went a bit farther after finishing the update to finish Page 10 of the movie reviews. I’m almost at the halfway point. It’d be nice to have more time to focus on the site, but I’m juggling a lot and I just have to carve out what slices I can where I can. Stay tuned.

Apr 21 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 37

I added some movie reviews while I was doing some other stuff. I wanted to finish Page 10, but I didn’t quite pull it off. Still, progress is progress. No telling when I’ll get more done. Stay tuned.

Apr 20 2024

How Far Can You Push a Flawed Character?

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Welcome to the World: Return to the World.

I’ve commented before how my protagonists tend to be less and less good as people as I’ve progressed in my writing career. There’s a line I haven’t crossed until now, but that line gets crossed in RttW. Let’s be blunt about it. One of the first things the main character does when he returns to the World is rape a young woman. The natural question is, “Why would you do this?” It’s not for any prurient interests, not for myself and not for the audience. It’s not some gimmick to draw people in. If anything, it’s going to be almost impossible for me to garner any sympathy for Pawel. It’s not a gamble you want to take with your protagonist, so why risk it? Well, let’s talk about that.

One of my inspirations was Westworld. I was intrigued by the idea of people’s moral code breaking down in an environment where they can let go of their inhibitions with little or no consequences. Also, consider the sort of cruelty players can engage in when they play video games, or even the random, thoughtless acts of cruelty in real life you see from children (or older folks who never developed a functioning superego). I wanted to explore the psychology behind this in the WttW series. The World in the WttW series summons children between the ages of 10 and 12. Mentally and physically, they are not yet fully formed, putty in the hands of whatever force guides the Game. It is quickly established that Players are a different breed, essentially demigods. It doesn’t take much for power to go to your head and bad things follow when that happens. Mix in a cruel world that gives you little choice but to fight and kill to survive with odds quite heavily stacked against you and it’s a recipe for some very broken people who will perpetuate the cycle of abuse.

At this early point in the story, I’ve only begun to hint at Pawel’s own experience and the nature of the World. I’m not excusing him in the slightest, but he is a thoroughly damaged individual whose tenuous sense of restraint didn’t hold up when presented with a convenient outlet for a variety of pent-up frustrations. If it’s any comfort to the more delicate reader, there will be log-lasting consequences for this lapse. This only scratches the surface of the ugliness of the World, but I’m not here to fetishize that ugliness. I want to dig into how characters face that ugliness, when they’re strong and when they’re weak. Will I succeed in crafting a compelling narrative in the process? We’ll see.

Anyway, I’m not the one who decides whether or not this little experiment works out. That’s for you, the reader. I may well have to have another one of these chats before things are all said and done. Stay tuned.

Apr 20 2024

WIP Update – 18-19 Apr 24

While not making much in the way of progress, I was at least going through RttW and doing some editing from around Chapter 2 to Chapter 7. Regarding Chapter 2, here I am so close to the moment of truth and the temptation to chicken out is really strong, but I’m going to bite the bullet and go for it. I plan on having a little chat with the readers after I post it and we’ll see where things go from there. Sometimes I wonder if I’m too conscientious or not conscientious enough. One of life’s many questions. Anyway, I’ll be back in a bit for that chat. Stay tuned.

Apr 18 2024

WIP Update – 17 Apr 24

It doesn’t count for much, I suppose, but I did some genealogical work for PMGtK. It’s more than nothing, but not quite story progress. Can I turn things around? Maybe. Let’s find out. Stay tuned.

Apr 17 2024

WIP Update – 16 Apr 24

I did some more writing on PMGtK. I’ve got these big confrontation scenes in my head, but once I put the story into production, I’ll have a lot of connective tissue to make. Anyway, I do need to focus on RttW, so I’ll try to switch gears to that. Stay tuned.