May 29 2019

WIP Update – 28-29 May 19

Tuesday was absolutely miserable as far as progress was concerned. In theory, I might’ve barreled through to the end of the chapter to rush it out the door, but I only wrote a couple of lines or so. I did more respectable work yesterday, moving things along in Chapter 32 of Tellus, but the end still isn’t in sight yet.

My plan is to post Chapter 32 next week and then Chapter 33 the week after that so I don’t have to alter the schedule any further. I just need to make the necessary progress. We’ll see what I can get done. Stay tuned.

May 27 2019

WIP Update – 27 May 19

Well, I managed to exceed the daily quota working on Chapter 32 of Tellus, but not by nearly enough to finish the thing. It looks like I’m going to have to postpone the chapter until next week. If I can muster the willpower to write my tail off this week, maybe I can build up the lead time I need so that this won’t happen again. Stay tuned.

May 27 2019

WIP Update – 25-26 May 19

I managed to do a little over the daily quota on Chapter 32 of Tellus on Saturday, but that was well short of the four days’ progress I needed to make up for. I then proceeded to do little over a half-day’s quota, so about two and a half days’ worth total for the week when I need to have the chapter done and out on Tuesday.

I usually like to let the manuscript sit for at least a couple days before putting it up, which may come easy if I have to postpone the release. We’ll see what happens. In any case, I’m going to stick with Tellus this week in a bid to rebuild my lead time. Stay tuned.

May 25 2019

WIP Update – 23-24 May 19

My plans to get back on the wagon haven’t been very successful. In all this week, I’ve only done any significant amount of writing in the past two days and that only amounts to one day’s quota. This is a bit of a problem as Chapter 32 of Tellus is supposed to be up Tuesday. I’m going to have to defy pretty much all recorded history and actually get a significant amount of writing done over the weekend. Stay tuned.

May 19 2019

WIP Update – 17, 19 May 19

I’ve almost got Chapter 8 of JJ2 finished. Just a little more and I’ll switch over to Tellus, which is almost exactly what I said last week. Also something I said last week, but I’m going to make a sincere effort to meeting quota again. Stay tuned.

May 16 2019

WIP Update – 16 May 19

Still inching along in Chapter 8 of JJ2. I really need to get myself back on the quota system or I’m never going to get anywhere. Here’s to turning things around. Stay tuned.

May 15 2019

WIP Update – 15 May 19

I made some progress in Chapter 8 of JJ2. I’m really not moving forward like I need to. I tell myself I can catch up on the weekend, but I know that’s probably not going to happen. Well, we’ll see what happens. Stay tuned.

May 12 2019

WIP Update – 12 May 19

I made some more progress on Chapter 8 of JJ2. I’ll probably go ahead and finish it before moving on. CeleKing3 is due for some work, but I really need to get more of Tellus written first, so that will be my next task. Stay tuned.

May 11 2019

WIP Update – 10 May 19

I made a little more progress on Chapter 8 of JJ2. Not much, but after the recent drought, I’m going to hold on to whatever I’ve got. More to come. Stay tuned.

May 09 2019

WIP Update – 09 May 19

I may have jinxed myself by saying that I was going to get so much writing done this week. Turns out to not be the case so much. I did at least write a little on Chapter 8 of JJ2. It’s a start. More to come (hopefully). Stay tuned.