Mar 22 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 20

Today didn’t see massive progress, only about 20-some-odd reviews. I managed to finish my work-work, which gives me a little breathing room during the daylight hours, but when I finished, instead of working on the site right away, I was fiddling around with the Tellus world map. I’ve been trying to rework the scale of things for a while now, trying to cross-reference with some of the more proportional projections of our own world and adjusting things accordingly. Anyway, one idea I’ve had was to move the Hannibal region from the northwestern corner of the Central Continent down to the southwest, so it would be nearer to Zephyr, Notos and Euros. (You see it never did rub me right the way Boreas was so far removed from the other Kingdoms of the Wind.) To avoid changing the overall geography too much, I had to flip the Hannibal map, which then required me to adjust all the references in the peripheral materials and later in Tellus when I get to proofing it. The Eastern Steppes where the Dragonriders hail from is no longer quite so expansive, but they’re closer to the Valley of Tiamat, which makes sense. Also, with the Dwarf and Goblin communities closer to the ones we know from TTWC, it makes more sense that there would be a lot of cultural and linguistic continuity between them. It’s a bit of a sticking point that El-Sidar, El-Alar and El-Haman are now somewhat clustered together, leaving El-Simil as the only one of the Five Ancients in the Northern Hemisphere, but I suppose it could work conceptually for El-Simil to be more isolated among the Elven communities. As for the former location of Hannibal, I’ve decided to dub the region “Hyperboreas” and add a legend that King Boreas fled there after his ouster. It’s not the northernmost land if I maintain my current configuration of the world, but it is the northern extremity of the Central Continent, so there’s that.

What does all this have to do with the reconstruction efforts on the site? Other than being the reason why more progress wasn’t made, not much, but in the absence of more to report, it’s something to talk about, right? Anyway, there should be less stuff making demands of my time tomorrow and there’s the weekend beyond that, so we’ll see what we can get done. Stay tuned.

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