Mar 14 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 13

I started by putting TTWC3 back together, then it was on to the Gladius Cycle teasers that were clustered together in the database (two that were more recently added are further down the line and will be picked up later) and after that, I rounded up all five Gladius Cycle novels and went through all the prep work with them before putting up KoG1. Now, I would’ve gone straight on to KoG2, but for whatever reason, I got to thinking about my “redact”-class divs (which I use to cross out material in the Update Archive that no longer exists on the site) and realized there was no point to use them when we have the <strike> tag. However, then I got to thinking that I’d heard the <strike> tag was deprecated, so I looked into it and then went through the Update Archive swapping out all the “redact” divs and any instances of the <strike> tag, which was more effort than you might think. (Steff was a rather active contributor in the early days of the site.)

With that done, you’d think I’d use the evening to at least get KoG2 up and running, but instead I got it in my head to update my records on the site’s analytics, and I paid particular attention to the HTTPS version of the site, which I’ve ignored until now. I haven’t actively started trying to redirect traffic to the HTTPS side until I began this reconstruction process, so I was surprised to find that there’s recorded traffic to the HTTPS side as early as June of 2018. Not much and almost all bots, but it was still there and there’s a rather different character to what pages are being targeted and where the traffic is coming from. Yes, I’m a sucker for this sort of thing, but I need to get back to the main task at hand. The goal is to finish the Gladius Cycle novels tomorrow. We’ll see if I can get it done. Stay tuned.

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