I managed the final push to finish Chapter 9 of EM2 and from there I spent a day reviewing JJ2, catching typos and such. From there, I started up Chapter 14 of KniTwi in preparation for next week’s update. I’ll be continuing that for the near future. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I’ve been slacking about posting here even more than I’ve been slacking on my writing. Obviously, I got the chapter of JJ2 out, even though I didn’t make a note of it here. From there, I moved on to Chapter 9 of EM2, where I was making scattered progress until this past week, where I managed to get some real footing to push me forward. I just need a little more of that push to finish the dang thing, something I hope to accomplish at long last this week. Stay tuned.