Aug 17 2017

WIP Update – 16 Aug 17

I returned to Chapter 12 of CeleKing2 and made some good progress on it. In the course of writing, I was able to find a way out of a rather uncomfortable sequence and set up some of the events to come. Not a bad bit of work if I say so myself.

As I’ve noted previously, this story has put me in an awkward position frequently. Now, you might argue that as the author I can simply excise any material I’m uncomfortable with. This is true, but while I generally like to plan things out in my story, I also let things develop as they will, at times in quite unexpected ways. I feel this lends more naturalism to the narrative, but with the subject matter here, it still rubs me the wrong way a bit.

Anyway, the worse Yasuko has it, the more rewarding it’ll be when she comes out on top, right? I should be able to knock out 12 and 14 after another day’s work or so. Stay tuned.

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