Apr 08 2017

WIP Update – 07 Apr 17

I managed to pretty well finish Chapters 14 and 17 of TSoA1. I’ve added a couple chapters, so it’s going to mess with the numeration a bit relative to previous posts. At the moment, I’ve made a new Chapter 18 and 28. The former shifts everything after it up one. I’m probably going to be adding more, so for posterity, when you look at the older posts, you aren’t going to get a precise relation to the finished product, not that it’s much of a big deal. I plan on adding more because I do some pretty big jumps in the timeline and want to flesh it out more. I’m already about halfway through the current layout and only have about 23K words, so I may want to add somewhere in the vicinity of ten new chapters so the final tally’s somewhere in the ballpark of 60K. There’s a lot of characterization that’s been glossed over, so it’s not like the new content would just be padding. Now that I’m finally getting into the story, I want to make the most of it.

I’ll probably spend the weekend fleshing out the chapters I’ve worked on and spend time with the genealogies. I’ve almost made enough progress this week to make up for my shortfalls the past several cycles. So two more days of TSoA1 and then I move on to TBP. Stay tuned.

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