Mar 10 2014

WIP Update – 08 Mar 14

I don’t need to tell you what I’ve been doing. You already know. This time I was up past 0600 working on the peripheral materials for my Arthur stories. I spent the greater part of the day scouring through all the different lines of Irish kings for a suitable candidate for Anguish, the father of Iseult. I needed someone preferably named a variant of Angus who reigned around the turn of the 6th Century. I found my man in King Aenghus of Osraige. Being on the west coast, sandwiched between Leinster and Munster, made vassalage to Cornwall plausible, thus setting the stage for the Tristan and Iseult story. I sure do go to a lot of work to give some historical basis to something some French troubadour just made up.

The quickest answer would have been to conflate Anguish with Angusel of Moray, but I wanted an actual Irish king if I could swing it. And I did, so that’s something.

I need to get things more or less resolved soon because there’s supposed to be a big project this week that I’m going to have to really devote a lot of time to. As interesting as all this work is, it has to take a back seat to higher priorities. I imagine I’ll still be fiddling with stuff over the course of the week, but I should probably start thinking about writing on the stories currently in serialization. We’ll see what happens. Stay tuned.

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