Dec 06 2013

WIP Update – 03 & 04 Dec 13

I wasn’t able to post this yesterday because I was encountering what appeared to be some server-side issues. Anyway, all the excuses I made in the update post apply doubly to any new work (or lack thereof). I actually considered not mentioning this at all, but since it’s not like I haven’t made any progress at all since returning from the wilds, I might as well mention it.

I’ve made some progress on Ionathas’ Chapter 3.

Reader: “Ionathas’ Chapter 3? Aren’t you supposed to be working on Daphne’s Chapter 4?”

Well, yes. I was just flipping through the pages and happened to land there and some ideas started bubbling up and I worked on it some. No major progress, mind you, but I’ve pretty well battened down how I want the chapter to play out.

I wish I could say the same for Daphne’s Chapter 4. I need to have it ready in less than two weeks and I haven’t even gotten into the main event yet. (Although, honestly, the ‘main event’ may play out fairly quickly, not entirely unlike the lighthouse scene from this week’s chapter.)

My recent work adjusting the timeline to accommodate the recent shift and firming up the plans for the next two books may have had a slightly deleterious effect in that I find myself itching to do some work on TTWC2 and 3. There are a few characters and scenarios that have undergone significant changes from the old draft and I’d really like to implement them. With school and my tutoring work wrapping up for the semester, perhaps I can apply some of the newfound time to spreading the love a bit. Stay tuned.

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