I was able to finish Chapter 18 of TG and then go on to work on Chapter 20 of Tellus, going over quota with both, so that’s a good start to the week. Usually when I have a day off (Monday was Keirou no Hi here in Japan), I don’t get much of any writing done. Anyway, I may well be able to get through Chapter 22 this week, so that’ll be nice. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, TG, Tzipi's Garden, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, Tzipi's Garden, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I made more progress on Chapter 18 of TG. I didn’t make headway Saturday because I was catching up on the transcription and as it started getting late, I was typing some crazy stuff, like calling Aurelius “Gold Nine” instead of “Goldie” in the narration. Since I’m so close to the end, I think I’ll finish the chapter before switching over to Tellus. More to come. Stay tuned.
I made a little more progress on Chapter 18 of TG, but not as much as the past few days due to my restored Internet access. Nevertheless, I’m well on my way to finishing the chapter before the week’s out. Stay tuned.
I’ve been making good progress on Chapter 18 of TG. It’s a big chapter with a lot of action scenes to choreograph, so that’s always fun. The mascot is always critical of me when I try to act out such scenes for reference. ^_^;
In other news, I’m looking ahead for what will follow TG and CeleKing3 and I’m wanting to start in on JJ2 and EM2. To that end, I was rereading both novels. I have some long-standing typos I need to correct on the online version. Perhaps my favorite is “without a hunt of feat”.
I’ve got Internet access again, so that’ll probably have a negative impact on my productivity, but I’m going to try to keep things moving. More to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM, EM1, Everyday Magic, Fifth Empire, JJ2, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, TG, Tzipi's Garden, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic, Fifth Empire, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tzipi's Garden, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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As noted on the main site, I’ve been having Internet troubles lately. This is bad for a lot of the things I do, but my writing is one thing that benefits from a loss of connectivity. I was able to make up for not making any progress Tuesday and blaze my way through Chapter 16 of Tellus and a significant portion of Chapter 17 as well. I should have no trouble finishing Chapter 17, which is almost finished anyway, and starting in on Chapter 18 before it’s time to switch over. More to come. Stay tuned.
I made more progress on Chapter 18 of TG, a little under quota but thank to my work earlier in the week, I ended up with nearly 4K, so I’m doing just fine there. Now it’s time to switch back to Tellus. Chapter 16 is a rather important point in the story, so I’m looking forward to writing that. Have to finish 15 first, though. Stay tuned.
I’ve made some more progress on Chapter 18 of TG. I doubt I’ll finish it before switching over, but hopefully I at least continue to meet quota. More to come. Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 17 of TG and started in on Chapter 18. I’ve managed to prove to myself that I can in fact meet my targets if I hold myself to it while still doing most of my usual frittering. Now if I can just stay on the wagon, I’ll be doing good. If I got really ambitious, I’d up my daily quota to 1000 words. If I did that, I could be finishing around four novels a year. Wouldn’t that be something?
Let’s focus on consistently delivering the minimum first before we start raising the bar, shall we? More to come. Stay tuned.
I managed to move further along in Chapter 17 of TG. I almost have it finished. Wrote above quote again, so feeling good about that. Yes, it shouldn’t be remarkable, but as of late, you know how it’s been. Anyway, more to come. Stay tuned.
I didn’t just make quota. I doubled it for a change, making up for the past two days’ shortfall. Yes, I shouldn’t be so happy about doing the minimum level I’ve set out for myself, but after a long run of not even doing that much, it feels good even to do that little. And so I’m almost done with Chapter 17 of TG. I’m a little stuck on how I want this scene to play out. Path A feels like a more natural flow of events, but it makes things a lot more complicated. Path B allows things to move forward smoother but I have a hard time believing it would work out that way. Maybe I’ll just let the characters do the work. It’ll play out how they play it and then I’ll have to make the next step happen. Perhaps you’ll hear how it went tomorrow. Stay tuned.