We’re chugging right along with Chapter 16 of TWH, but I may have to step it up if I want to get the chapter done in time for Saturday. I have a strong hunch there’s more than 1000 words to go to finish telling what this chapter’s meant to tell. Nose to the grindstone time. Stay tuned.
I didn’t quite make up my deficit from Monday, but I made some solid progress toward on Chapter 16 of TWH and also did a bit on Chapter 18 to resolve an inconsistency with what I’d written (without having my references handy) and established lore. Of course, with most of the lore not available to the public, I can always make changes on the back end without anyone noticing. Anyway, we’ll see how things go in the days to come. Stay tuned.
I made a wee bit of progress on Chapter 16 of TWH, well below quota, but I didn’t get in the rest I’d intended so I could focus on the writing. I did do that rather long Character Spotlight on Azuki, though, and there was an error I noticed in Chapter 15 that I needed to correct. Still, I fell short of the mark and need to make up for it. Stay tuned.
I was passing out more than was conducive to making good progress. I did do a bit more on Chapter 22 of NagaTen, and earlier in the day I’d done a bit of work on what will become either Chapter 17 or 18 of TWH. I need to make up for lost time and finish the former in time for Saturday’s deadline. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Hecate, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Hecate, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I finally managed to finish Chapter 15 of TWH, as you’ve probably noticed, and while I was trying to get back into the groove for the next story writing cycles, I did some minor edits in EM3 and started in on Chapter 22 of NagaTen (as I had an idea in my head I wanted to get onto the page). I’ll be trying to finish Chapter 21 of NagaTen before the weekend now. It’ll involve breaking through a long-standing bit of writer’s block. Wish me luck. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM3, Everyday Magic 3, Hecate, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 3, Hecate, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Another week, another bit of progress on Chapter 15 of TWH. I might as well continue to push onward with this one while an idea is relatively clear in my head as I’m pretty well stalled on the other three stories as well. I hold some home of summer vacation being an opportunity to clear my head and forge ahead, but we know that the more time I have, the less I tend to accomplish. Anyway, as term exams wind down, I have a bit less on my plate, so I’ll see if I can’t make the final push to get this one done. Stay tuned.
I just found a little bit of time to make minor progress in Chapter 15 of TWH. It’s better than nothing, I suppose. If only I got points for the time I was putting into TotK, right? Anyway, we’ll see if things change next week, but don’t hold your breath. Stay tuned.
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve been kept rather busy of late, hence the rather sparse updates, and what time I’ve had to myself these past few weeks has been mostly dedicated to playing Tears of the Kingdom (which is a fine way to unwind, by the way). Although I’ve gotten almost no writing done in all this time, it doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking about things and wanting to put my nose back to the grindstone. And then we happen to have things lighten up for a bit and I was able to put in a decent bit of work on Chapter 15 of TWH. I’d like to have done more, but I suppose my own choice bear no small part of the blame for the lack of progress. Maybe I can turn things around. I’ve certainly been talking about it the past few months. It’d be nice to make something actually happen. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
So there’s been no activity here in a good month. I’ll be honest with you, I thought there would be some spells when I’d have nothing else to do but just sit and focus on writing, but there really wasn’t that much time when it was just me and my writing. I did a little bit of work in some of the peripheral materials, but no story progress. However, once I got back to Japan, I was struck by a bit of inspiration. If I didn’t have orientation for my new job on Friday, I may well have had Chapter 14 of TWH ready for the 25th, but I had to postpone until the following week. Still, I got it done, after all this time spent stuck in a rut, I got it done. “What about the next chapter?” you ask. Yes, well… about that…
Actually, that brings me to what I’ve been working on since then. You see, I have a bit of a scaling problem with the map of Tellus and that affects how I calculate travelling distances and whatnot in the stories. Now, with a few of my stories, I’ve just altered the local scale to get it where I want and put off worrying about the global issue, but it is something I need to address. One of my problems is that way back in 2001 when I was making the lowfi MS Paint digital versions of the maps I drew back in high school, the files were all at a 4:3 aspect ratio (little surprise given that was the aspect ratio of most screens at the time). However, most maps of Earth range from 2:1 to 16:9. That’s a fairly big difference. Also, the land-to-sea ratio is vastly different between my original maps and what we see on our own little blue ball. I basically had to shrink all the continents by half and now I need to reposition everything with the climate zones and whatnot in mind, etc. I’m still working on it, but once I get it all sorted out, the world is going to be in a much better shape.
However, now I need to get Chapter 19 of NagaTen finished. My original plan for the middle part of the chapter needs to be scrapped, so I’ve got to get that issue sorted at long last and write what needs writing, mostly before Wednesday, when work starts up in earnest. Wish me luck, folks, and stay tuned.
The disruption to the site of course impacted these updates, so even once the site came back up, I decided to wait and bundle both weeks into one big post. Well, the post isn’t going to be all that big, but we’re covering a large enough chunk of time. Now, the original task starting out was to get Chapter 13 of TWH ready to go. I was actually making good headway early in the week, so I started slacking off, wandering into peripheral materials and such, to the point where I would’ve been in a time crunch were it not for the site going down.
Actually, I merely thought I was almost done with the chapter. When I dove back into it, there ended up being quite a bit more to write. Happily, I got it all done with time to spare. Lovely. Moving into next week, it’ll be NagaTen’s turn. Stay tuned.