Jan 10 2023

WIP Update – 06-22 Dec 22

I’ve totally dropped the ball on these updates. Remember back when I did this on a daily basis? Maybe I need to get back into that habit. Anyway, looking back on the previous month, I did some work on Chapter 19 of NagaTen and finished Chapter 12 of TWH. I also did more work on the scenario of that DnD campaign I’ve been talking about (which, by the by, we didn’t even finish the character creation phase).

From the time this entry cuts off to present, I haven’t done any story writing. Whatever time I’ve had on my computer, I’ve mostly spent on compiling a 5e rulebook from available online sources. You can decide if this is a worthwhile use of my time or not (especially if my nieces decide the whole DnD thing is too boring to continue), but I would point out that this research will help me refine the game system of the WttW series, and it’ll play directly into both Dimwald and the GM and my potential project with the scenario I’ve been writing for the campaign.

Anyway, I’ll be getting back into the saddle with NagaTen this week. I’d like to at least finish Chapter 19. Stay tuned.

Dec 05 2022

WIP Update – 21-25, 28-29 Nov 22

It would seem I forgot to make a post last week, so I’ve got two weeks of progress to get everyone caught up on. The week of Thanksgiving was actually pretty good for me as far as writing was concerned. Despite not having made much progress in a good while, I was able to get through Chapter 15 of EM3 (which was fairly short, to be honest) and then do most of Chapter 16 (which is significantly longer). Not a bad piece of work, if I say so myself, so I was confident I could bring that same energy to TWH when I switched over.

So I started off making some progress on Chapter 12 of TWH (and catching typos and such earlier in the manuscript as I was going back to cross-reference things), but work kept me hopping on Wednesday, other stuff took a big chunk of my time Thursday, and I don’t even know what happened to Friday, so by the time Saturday rolled around, I was nowhere near done with the chapter. I’ll have to sort it out later. In the meantime, keeping ahead of NagaTen is probably a good idea. Stay tuned.

Nov 21 2022

WIP Update – 14-19 Nov 22

I finished Chapter 17 of NagaTen (so that’ll be ready to go next cycle), did a little work on Chapter 12 of TWH, then spent most of my time penning that DnD scenario I’ve been working on. Now, doing all this for my niece is reason enough, but as I’ve hinted before that this may serve a dual purpose and you may see it in the future in a fun little project I’m considering. I need to make some headway in EM3 now. Stay tuned.

Nov 17 2022

WIP Update – 07-11 Nov 22

What with being sick and work keeping me hopping, it’s kept slipping my mind to write this post, so I figure I better get it knocked out before it slips my mind again. As you should already know, last week I finished Chapter 11 of TWH at long last. Honestly, I may well have written more on it in that one week than the three months leading up to it. It’s done now, at least. I also did one token line of dialog from Chapter 12 to get me warmed up for it. I need to give NagaTen some attention now. Finishing a chapter at least would be something. Stay tuned.

Nov 02 2022

WIP Update – 24-28 Oct 22

I started on Chapter 11 of TWH, but then got sidetracked. You see, my niece is curious about D&D, so I want to run a campaign for her, but as my only experience with D&D is a couple sessions over twenty years ago, I’m having to do a lot of research and also doing the worldbuilding for the campaign. Now, even if nothing comes of the campaign, all this legwork could turn into a later story. Anyway, I’m running dangerously short on buffer in NagaTen and EM3, so I’m going to have to do something about that (in addition to sorting out this daggone chapter of TWH). Stay tuned.

Oct 25 2022

WIP Update – 17-20 Oct 22

I was making some good progress on Chapter 11 of TWH, but not enough to get it done. Nothing to it but to keep whittling away at it. Stay tuned.

Oct 10 2022

WIP Update – 03-07 Oct 22

People who have been following me for a while know that my progress grinds to a crawl when I’m choreographing action sequences. I was making some progress on Chapter 11 of TWH, but not enough to actually get it finished.

I was also working on my reviews for the Summer 2022 anime season and got the odd inkling to reread the JJ books. I should probably give NagaTen and EM3 some love, even though I still have a comfortable buffer on those. I’ve got some other projects that’ll take some of my time as well, so we’ll see how I can juggle my time. Stay tuned.

Oct 03 2022

WIP Update – 29 Sep – 01 Oct 22

I didn’t write a post last week as I didn’t have much of anything to report. I didn’t completely waste my time as I was doing research and also wrote a few reviews. Some of that selfsame research continued as a matter of necessity to continue Chapter 11 of TWH. There were a number of logistical factors I had to set straight to properly visualize the scene. There was also a little side project that took a significant chunk of my time and the viewing I needed to complete for the reviews (which I know is supposed to be a secondary priority, but it’s a lot easier way to generate content than trying to plow through a bad case of writer’s block).

When I actually did start to make headway in Chapter 11, I found myself running out of time, so now the challenge is to power through and get this daggone chapter finished at long last. Stay tuned.

Sep 19 2022

WIP Update – 12-16 Sep 22

I made a some progress on Chapter 11 of TWH and did a little dialog for Chapter 13 as it was on my mind. A decent chunk of my time was spent continuing the research I was doing last week. You see, for what I’m doing in the story, I had to sort out the organization of the Witch Queen’s armies and given Hecate’s background, the sensible thing would be to base it on the Ancient Greeks, so I was looking into the different formations used throughout antiquity up to the Byzantine Era, crafting a hybrid I figured would work well.

Anyway, I’ve got some time off this week, but I’m going to try to amend my usual bad habits, though I can’t make any guarantees. Stay tuned.

Sep 11 2022

WIP Update – 05-10 Sep 22

I made some progress on Chapter 11 of TWH. Not enough to have it ready for the weekend, though. A big chunk of my spare time was spent working on a more accessible game system than the one I’ve been developing for the Welcome to the World series. My niece has stated an interest in D&D after watching Stranger Things and that inspired me to work on a beginner-friendly system. We’ll see if she’d rather have a simplified 5e experience or if she’d like to give her uncle’s custom system a whirl. Yes, I know that’s not getting me anywhere with my writing, but that’s how it goes sometimes. I think I’ll stick with TWH and get that chapter finished while also working on at least finishing Chapter 17 of NagaTen as well. Stay tuned.