I did a little more writing on TTWC2 and did some work on a few of the Space Arc shorts in development. I think I’m about ready to hop over and start doing some work on Tico4 for a while. However, I have other priorities that come first, so I can’t make any promises of much progress in the immediate future. We’ll see how it goes, though. Stay tuned.
Tags: Short Stories, Space Arc, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update
Short Stories, Space Arc, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I did a fair bit of assorted writing in TTWC2, mostly retooling chapters from the previous draft. I also did some work in the peripheral materials, focused around Tellus in particular. (I should probably add a subtitle to that story so there’s no confusion between it and the larger Tellus Arc.) I was formalizing some of the genealogical work and may continue it farther. Anyway, progress was made. Not too sure I’ll have much time to go farther over the weekend, but we’ll see. Stay tuned.
Tags: Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update
Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I did a little work on both TTWC1 and TTWC2. Most of my effort was conceptual, fine-tuning the timeline for events surrounding the first and second occupation of Karas. I had to stand during the return shuttle ride, so that was some writing time I missed out on. Hopefully more progress will follow. Stay tuned.
I actually did quite a bit of writing yesterday. I was about to finish up Gamaliel’s Chapter 2 of TTWC1, but I then I decided to make a change to the timeline. I wanted Solon to be in his 80s when he died, as it was originally written. You’ll recall that I did a major shift of the global timeline a while back. A number of the characters’ birth dates remained the same and so were made ten years younger. This obviously didn’t make much difference to an Elf like Xanthe or a Dragon like Corona, but ten years means a lot more to us humans. (Yes, by the by, ‘Xotikes’ are just the in-universe name for Elves. In other books, where it makes linguistic sense to call them Elves, I do, so it’s not like I’m trying to hide it or anything.)
In making the change, I also had to change the Monarch Lich’s birth date, which led me to hop on over the TTWC2. I then wound up writing and rewriting on several chapters throughout the book. The story has changed considerably since the previous draft (now over ten years old), so sometimes it’s easier to just scrap the old version entirely and start anew. Funnily enough, I didn’t actually adjust those dates until just now when I recalled that was my original purpose.
I’m also working on a lexicon of Goblinish. Don’t worry, I don’t plan on having protracted passages of straight Goblinish, just trying to work out some terms and the phonological properties of their native tongue that would influence their dialect. (Yay, more dialect. You’re going to love Urgill in TTWC3. :P)
I imagine more work on TTWC1 and 2 is in the pipeline for the immediate future. Sorry, GottMono1. Slice of life is hard to write. ^_^; Stay tuned.
Usually I don’t get any writing done on a day I update the site, the little time I have to spare devoted to prepping and uploading the update itself, but I did piddle around with Ionathas’ Chapter 4 a little and actually wrote a decent chunk of dialog in an associated chapter of TTWC2. I believe I’ve mentioned before that what’s become TTWC2 was originally the weakest in the trilogy because I didn’t feel the same attachment to the Darklands characters as I did to those representing Zephyr and the Promethean Alliance, but I’ve since made them more interesting and I’m kinda itching to get started with them. I’ve still got to wrap up Ionathas’ scenario and I’ve got three more to go, one of which I’ve written virtually nothing for. Stuff to do, stuff to do. Stay tuned.
I couldn’t post an update here yesterday because I was out in the wilds. Also, I’ve been laid low by the plague, so there’s not a whole lot I’ve accomplished. I continued to fiddle around with the time adjustments and took the opportunity to fill in some of the blanks in TTWC2 and 3 and also write up the metatag summaries so they’ll be at the ready when future chapters are published. I have no idea how much I’ll accomplish in the near future until I get better. Stay tuned.
Tags: Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, TTWC2, TTWC3, WIP Update
Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, TTWC2, TTWC3, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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