I made some pretty good progress. I finished the Monarch Lich’s epilogue in TTWC2, rounding out his section, then went on to do some editing to Arachne’s prologue, writer her Chapter 1 and finish her Chapter 4. I feel I could just keep going, but I need to show Tico4 some love. Stay tuned.
I’ve pretty well finished the Monarch Lich’s Chapter 5 of TTWC2. Can I get the epilogue done before I switch back over to Tico4? We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I finished the Monarch Lich’s Chapter 2 in TTWC2 and then went on to do some work on his Chapter 5 and epilogue. I should be done with him in another day or two. If I stay focused, I may even get some work done on Arachne’s section before the weekend is out. Stay tuned.
I put the finishing touches on Caligo’s Chapter 1 of TTWC2, then went on to make some progress on the Monarch Lich’s Chapter 2 and mostly finish his Chapter 3. We should be doing rather well if I can keep going at this pace. Stay tuned.
I continued to make progress on Caligo’s Chapter 1 of TTWC2. I just have a little ways to go before wrapping it up. After I finish it, I think I will go back to the Monarch Lich’s section as I’d really like to have a decent straight-ahead buffer filled up before the book’s serial run starts. Of course, with my new writing quotas, if I stick to TTWC2 on Tellus Arc weeks, I may well have the book completed before its serial run even begins. Wouldn’t that be something? Stay tuned.
I said I was going to start with a straight-ahead run on TTWC2, but I immediately broke with the idea and instead worked on Caligo’s Chapter 1. I suppose I’m just going to be jumping around after all. It’s a good long while before TTWC2 begins its serial run, though, so I can certainly afford to jump around. Sometimes being locked into given path gives you better focus and continuity, but there are also merits to flowing where the inspiration takes you. I suppose it’s a balancing act. Now that I’ve started this chapter, I believe I’ll see it through before moving on. Stay tuned.
Yesterday’s post is just coming up now because I was having server issues. On to more recent progress, I pretty well have Xenomachos’ Chapter 5 finished, which means that for all intents and purposes, TTWC1 is complete. Yay. I poked around a little bit with TTWC2, but the real progress is coming from here on out. I think I might attempt a straight-ahead run first in a bid to complete the Monarch Lich’s section before I allow myself to hop around. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I mostly finished Xenomachos’ Chapter 3 in TTWC1 and did a little work on Xorgoth’s Chapter 5 in TTWC2. There was also some piddling around in the peripheral materials. The day may yet come when I torture you with long passages in Low Elvish. No, not really. I prefer the translation convention style I’ve adopted when moving about in mutually intelligible languages. Should my works ever get a voiced adaptation, though, it may prove to be more of a pain. Fun for the future.
I mostly finished Gamaliel’s Chapter 5 and Xenomachos’ Prologue in TTWC1. I also rewrote much of Xorgoth’s Prologue and jotted down some dialog for his Chapter 1 in TTWC2. And to mix things up, I also worked on a scene from Ladybug, Ladybug There was also a fair bit of work in the peripheral materials, to include adjusting the heights of several species, prompting successive changes throughout my character database. Dwarves and Goblins are now a good ten inches shorter on average, among other things.
Speaking of Dwarves, while trying to figure out an adjectival form of “Nanos”, I came to discover that my Greek was worse than I thought (and trust me, the bar is set rather low). While doing some double-checking, I came to realize that “Xotika” is plural, not singular. At first, I was doing a lot of search and replace, but then I decided that the proper singular “Xotiko” wasn’t quite as euphonic as I’d like. Seeing as how I was already taking liberties with the language, I opted to make “Xotika” serve as both the singular and the plural and simply chalk it up to dialect. (Any actual Greek speakers in the audience may take some offense at this, but anyone familiar with my work knows that I bend language to my purposes and not the other way around, as evidenced by the many idiosyncrasies of my writing.) I did at least eliminate the incorrect plural form “Xotikes”, for whatever that’s worth.
Tags: Earth Arc, Ladybug Ladybug, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, TTWC2, WIP Update
Earth Arc, Ladybug Ladybug, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Made a little more progress in Gamaliel’s Chapter 5 of TTWC1. Jotted down a few paragraphs in a related chapter in TTWC2 lest I forget the relevant details. Also did some assorted work in the peripheral materials. There may be hope yet of finishing Chapter 5 before the weekend is out. Stay tuned.