I worked on Orguz’s prologue, Chapter 2 and epilogue. I also had to do some rather extensive reworking of the dynastic history and genealogy of the Goblin Kings of Shade’s Forest. Loads of fun. Daggone Goblins have so many bloody kids. The Labor Day weekend festivities are making it a bit of a challenge getting far past my minimum quota and even that much is done on stolen time. Let’s see if I can at least finish one of those chapters before we switch back to working on Tico4. Stay tuned.
I pretty well finished up Caligo’s Chapter 3 of TTWC2, wrapping up his section, and then did some writing throughout Orguz’s section. Chapters 1 and 3 are already pretty well finished and I was just doing some light editing. The prologue, Chapter 2 and the epilogue got a little a work done on them.
I also did some work on The Knight’s Twilight. For some reason, a bit of inspiration struck me and I jotted down some dialog. I’ve decided to completely rewrite the story from the ground up rather than struggle to rework the previous version into the current plan. It feels really nostalgic going back to the Gladius Cycle after spending so much time on The Trident War Chronicles. Maybe instead of moving directly on to TTWC3 after I finish TTWC2, I’ll work on some of the Gladius stories. That or I may start mixing it up more. I have plenty of lead time as far as serialization is concerned. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
Tags: Gladius, KniTwi, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update
Gladius, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I finished up Caligo’s Chapter 4 of TTWC1 and also made some progress on his Chapter 3, getting about halfway through thereabouts. He’ll be done soon and that’ll be three sections down. Stay tuned.
I’m on the mighty job hunt and that caused me to forget to post yesterday. Thankfully, it didn’t cause me to forget to write and I’m almost done with Caligo’s Chapters 4 and 5 of TTWC2. I believe I have something like one paragraph to go on Chapter 4 and then I just need to write Chapter 3 to finish out his section. That’d be nice. Orguz would be next after that. He’ll make for quite the change of pace. Anyway, that’s it for now. More to come. Stay tuned.
I pretty well finished Caligo’s Chapter 2 and epilogue in TTWC2 and did a bit of writing on his Chapters 4 and 5. What happened to Chapter 3, you ask? I’ll be getting to that.
I also did some more work on the peripheral materials for Student of Gladius. Adapting the Gladius Cycle to a Japanese high school AU is an interesting challenge to say the least. Some of the re-aging I’ve done to characters to make it all fit really wreaks havoc on the chronology.
In other news, I’m going to try to start having at least one commentary post per week in addition to the WIP updates. Later I may decide to increase the frequency to as many as three commentary posts per week, but we can take it slow for starters. Stay tuned.
Tags: If Arc, Student of Gladius, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update
If Arc, Student of Gladius, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I went through Arachne’s Chapters 2, 3, 5 and her epilogue of TTWC2, pretty well wrapping up her section and also went on to do some minor revisions to Caligo’s prologue and Chapter 1. You know, it’s entirely possible that I may be done writing TTWC2 before it even debuts on the site. Wouldn’t that be something?
I was also stricken by a bit of inspiration and did a little writing on Student of Gladius and adding to the peripheral materials. Speaking of peripheral materials, I went into the Earth Arc encyclopedia and added the kanji and hanzi renderings of Japanese and Chinese characters respectively. All in all, a fairly productive day. We’ll see what else I can get accomplished before switching back over to Tico4. Stay tuned.
Tags: Earth Arc, If Arc, Student of Gladius, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update
Earth Arc, If Arc, Student of Gladius, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I worked on Arachne’s epilogue of TTWC2. By now most of the work left in her section is just filling some holes and rounding things out. Part of me wants to finish it out and another part wants to play around with something else. Maybe I’ll do both. Stay tuned.
Over the past couple days I’ve made progress on Arachne’s Chapters 4 and 5 and her epilogue of TTWC2. I don’t have that much farther to go before I finish up her section, but I may switch over to a different character for a change of pace. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I made some progress on Arachne’s Chapters 2 and 3 of TTWC2. The former only requires a little more narrative to be filled in. I believe I’ve commented before on how characters can develop in interesting ways and certainly what Arachne is becoming is quite different from her original form. To be fair, most of the Dominion headliners were pretty flat characters in prior versions, so just about any development has a fresh feel to it. Ophis Python is going to be difficult, though. I still don’t quite know what I’m going to do with him. A problem for another day. Stay tuned.
I made some progress in Arachne’s Chapter 2 of TTWC2. I put in a nice little reference to Ishtar, which is a bit of an in-joke for me because Ishtar is actually a fairly significant player in the Tellus Arc mythos, though you won’t fully realize this until I get to The End of Times, which I intend to be the capstone of the mainline Tellus Arc continuity. That’s a ways off yet, though. More fun with the Spider Queen to come. Stay tuned.