With things settling down, I was finally able to get back on task and do some story-based writing. I made some progress on Ophis Python’s Chapter 3 and Xorgoth’s epilogue of TTWC2. My goal is to finish at least one of the three sections of TTWC2 I have left this week. I think I’ll push to finish TTWC2 before going back to work on TTWC3. I have 11 more chapters to go, most of them already partially written. I believe with some concerted effort, I can push through fairly quickly.
In other news, I was also writing quite a few reviews. I’m building up a rather comfortable buffer, but I need to pay some thought to rewatching some series and such to add some variety to my content. I am, after all, not just about movie reviews. We’ll see what happens. Stay tuned.
I pretty well finished Ophis Python’s Chapter 2 of TTWC2 and did some work on his Chapter 3 as well. I also did a lot of work in the Cross Arc peripheral material, filling out more details of the Imperial family tree and so on. Also trying to hammer out the plot of the Aether War series. I whipped up the idea to serve as the flagship for the Cross Arc, but it’s really not like other flagships like KoG and Tico in that it wasn’t truly what launched the idea or what I’m leading with. My primary interest is in the era after the events of the Aether War, but I really should give the basis for it. Things to do. Stay tuned.
Tags: Aether War, Cross Arc, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update
Aether War, Cross Arc, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I did a little work on Medusa’s Chapter 5 of TTWC2 and also some work in the peripheral materials, including further adjustments to the timelines and some tweaks to troop strengths. I think I’ll be switching over to Tico4 after this. Stay tuned.
I didn’t make any progress in the story itself, but I did some reshuffling of the timeline, which resulted in a lot of work rearranging the chapter structure of TTWC3 and adjusting the peripheral materials. It also nullified my prior work on Medusa’s Chapter 5 of TTWC2, but I’d only written a paragraph, so no great loss. I’ll probably recover lost ground and then switch over after that. Stay tuned.
While not quite meeting quota, I did do a little writing on Medusa’s Chapters 4 and 5 of TTWC2. I may keep at it another day or two before switching over. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I pretty well finished Medusa’s Chapter 2 and made some progress on her Chapter 3 in TTWC2. I think it hasn’t escaped notice that I switched from working on Ophis Python’s section. Yes, I’ll have to get back to him eventually, but that’s a task for another day. Stay tuned.
I mostly finished Medusa’s prologue and Chapter 1 in TTWC2 and also started in on the appendices of TTWC1 so they’ll be ready when the book wraps the week after next. It’d be nice if I could whip up something better than my MSPaint maps, but I’ve been promising better maps for my stories almost since the time I founded the site. Maybe I should just commission a cartographer and save myself the trouble. Who knows? Stay tuned.
I did a bit of jumping around in TTWC2, working a little on Ophis Python’s Chapter 3 and Medusa’s Chapters 2 and 3. I also was fiddling around with research and stuff for other titles. What fun will follow, I wonder. Stay tuned.
With Orguz pretty well taken care of, I went on to tackle Ophis Python’s section and made some progress on his Chapter 2. We are, of course, talking about TTWC2. To be perfectly honest, Python is perhaps my least favorite lead character in TTWC2 and I believe I’ve confessed before that I’ve had issues in the past making this lot compelling. Perhaps part of it is because there’s not a whole lot of sympathy to be had for them, except for Orguz, that is. As I was pondering the problem recently, I realized that while the leads of TTWC1 and TTWC3 are dominated by humans, TTWC2 doesn’t have a single human lead. Yes, a few of them were once human, but they have long since been removed from their humanity. I wonder if that’s part of it. Personally, I enjoy the thought exercise of trying to put myself in the mindset of a non-human sapient, but being human, there is only a limited degree I can remove myself from my own consciousness and even if I could adopt a wholly alien mindset, it’d be problematic conveying that in such a fashion that the audience could connect to it. At any rate, I’m going to be stuck with this big stupid snake for a while. ^o^ Stay tuned.
I managed to fall off the wagon again. There really is no exception. If I don’t push myself to meet quota every day, it’s not going to happen. However, my absence may have proven beneficial as I was finally able to push through Orguz’s Chapter 5 and epilogue in TTWC2. That leaves me with only three more sections to finish (and all of them already have a chapter or two done). The book is going to be rather light in the end, but I can’t worry about that. I just need to keep on driving forward so I can start to turn my attention to TTWC3. I’ve got a lot of writing and rewriting ahead of me, but I suppose I wouldn’t have it any other way. Stay tuned.