I mostly finished Xenomachos’ Chapter 3 in TTWC1 and did a little work on Xorgoth’s Chapter 5 in TTWC2. There was also some piddling around in the peripheral materials. The day may yet come when I torture you with long passages in Low Elvish. No, not really. I prefer the translation convention style I’ve adopted when moving about in mutually intelligible languages. Should my works ever get a voiced adaptation, though, it may prove to be more of a pain. Fun for the future.
I made some good progress, pretty well finishing up Corona’s section (Chapter 3 through the epilogue). Yes, I know Xenomachos comes before her, but I’m fonder of her as a character. Speaking of Xenomachos, though, once I finish his chapters, I’ll effectively be done with TTWC1, though the book won’t finish its serial run until next year on the current schedule. That could potentially mean a lot of lead time on TTWC2 before it kicks off. That doesn’t sound like a bad deal. Because I really want to be diving into The Brothers Pendragon, I may start working on it concurrently. Probably won’t serialize it concurrently, though. I do like having only one novel in a particular Arc running at a time. (Though I suppose if I get that far ahead of the game, I could adopt a weekly schedule as opposed to a biweekly one.) Anyway, these are all points for me to ponder. Maybe I can make the same kind of progress in Tico4 this week. Stay tuned.
I mostly finished Gamaliel’s Chapter 5 and Xenomachos’ Prologue in TTWC1. I also rewrote much of Xorgoth’s Prologue and jotted down some dialog for his Chapter 1 in TTWC2. And to mix things up, I also worked on a scene from Ladybug, Ladybug There was also a fair bit of work in the peripheral materials, to include adjusting the heights of several species, prompting successive changes throughout my character database. Dwarves and Goblins are now a good ten inches shorter on average, among other things.
Speaking of Dwarves, while trying to figure out an adjectival form of “Nanos”, I came to discover that my Greek was worse than I thought (and trust me, the bar is set rather low). While doing some double-checking, I came to realize that “Xotika” is plural, not singular. At first, I was doing a lot of search and replace, but then I decided that the proper singular “Xotiko” wasn’t quite as euphonic as I’d like. Seeing as how I was already taking liberties with the language, I opted to make “Xotika” serve as both the singular and the plural and simply chalk it up to dialect. (Any actual Greek speakers in the audience may take some offense at this, but anyone familiar with my work knows that I bend language to my purposes and not the other way around, as evidenced by the many idiosyncrasies of my writing.) I did at least eliminate the incorrect plural form “Xotikes”, for whatever that’s worth.
Tags: Earth Arc, Ladybug Ladybug, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, TTWC2, WIP Update
Earth Arc, Ladybug Ladybug, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Made a little more progress in Gamaliel’s Chapter 5 of TTWC1. Jotted down a few paragraphs in a related chapter in TTWC2 lest I forget the relevant details. Also did some assorted work in the peripheral materials. There may be hope yet of finishing Chapter 5 before the weekend is out. Stay tuned.
Still inching along in Gamaliel’s Chapter 5 of TTWC1. Trying to decide how much of the battle I actually want to show. I’ve noticed I have a bit of a habit in this book of teasing the big battle scenes. Got to keep traditions going, don’t I? We’ll see. Honestly, you drag out a battle sequence too long and it starts to get tedious. Perhaps I’ll show just enough that you get a feel for how it’s going to play out. That seems fair. Stay tuned.
Yesterday I was a little too preoccupied to get a post out, but all I would’ve reported is more work in the Cross Arc peripheral materials. My love of big, convoluted family trees knows no bounds, it would seem. I followed this up with a little progress on Gamaliel’s Chapter 5 yesterday. It’d be nice to get the chapter done this week and be finished with Gamaliel’s section, but I don’t know if it’ll happen or not. Stay tuned.
A little more progress on Gamaliel’s Chapter 5 of TTWC1. We’ll see how much writing I get done this weekend. No promises. Stay tuned.
I pretty well finished up Gamaliel’s Chapter 4, but a lot of time was spent just hopping around all the different stories that are hovering between pre-production and production. Some are fragments with only a handful of lines of dialog. Some already have complete chapters. I certainly will never be left wanting for stuff to do.
I made progress on Gamaliel’s Chapters 4 and 5 of TTWC1. Yes, I know I said I was going to stick with Tico4, but whenever I reset my machine, prior momentum tends to evaporate. Anyway, I’m going to keep chugging along and if all goes well, I might have Gamaliel’s section wrapped up before the week’s out. Stay tuned.
I’ve mostly finished Gamaliel’s Chapter 3 of TTWC1 and have gotten started on his Chapter 4. I’ve got a three-day weekend ahead of me, so hopefully I can use some of that time to be making some progress. Stay tuned.