On a bit of a whim, I did some writing on TSoM1 today. More of the work was in the peripheral materials than the story itself, but I feel compelled to add stuff to it.
In other news, I finished Xanthe’s epilogue a little while ago. Now I just have to let it sit a couple days before I go back over it to tighten things up for posting on the site. I’m planning on a Wednesday post date.
Now I have to decide if I want to move right on along to Chapter 11 of Tico3 or what. Decisions, decisions.
Internet access may get spotty in the coming days as I’ve warned, so I can’t guarantee I’ll be able to maintain a daily posting schedule here. Perhaps I can offset that by coming up with some nice substantive posts while I’m incommunicado (or a few beforehand to tide you over). Stay tuned.
Tags: If Arc, Tellus Arc, Ticonderoga School of Magic, Trident War Chronicles, TSoM1, TTWC1, WIP Update
If Arc, Tellus Arc, Ticonderoga School of Magic, Trident War Chronicles, TSoM1, TTWC1, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Well, most of today was spent in transit, so I’ve only knocked out a meager 250 words, but that pretty well takes care of the dialog for the chapter. I just have to fill in the narrative and it’ll be good to go. I hope to be settled in so I can be making some decent progress.
I’m moving right along with Xanthe’s epilogue. Got 350 words written yesterday and 650 today. Yes, that’s not a lot, but I haven’t been focusing solely on writing either. I’d say I’m anywhere from 50 to 60% complete. I shouldn’t have too much trouble finishing the chapter tomorrow or the day after, leaving me with plenty of time to let it sit before posting next week. While I totally scrapped the old draft of this chapter and the one before it, the first two chapter of the next character’s section only need minor tweaking at best, giving me a little lead time to stay on schedule. Though I think I can stay on target with Tico3 as well for the next couple chapters at least, the buffer of TTWC1 chapters should ensure a steady stream of posts for the next month. With the training for my potential new job, the flurry of activity that should shortly follow the completion of that training, and my trip to the wilds, I’ll likely be very thankful for that buffer.
As a side note, my habit of working late is bound to make these posts a bit of a pain. I guess I either have to decide to set a time to stop so I can post or instead make the posting one of the first things I do in the morning. We’ll see how it works out. Until next time.