Very minimal progress on Caradoc’s Chapter 10 of TSoA1. Most of the time I spent writing was nothing more than transcribing what I’d handwritten for Chapters 9 and 10. Were it not for what I wrote on CeleKing2, I’d be a fair bit under quota for the week. It’s a little frustrating to see progress grind like this, but hopefully things will look better once I switch over to TBP. Stay tuned.
I continue to inch along in Caradoc’s Chapter 10 of TSoA1. Not much else to say about it. Kinda looking forward to moving on to TBP. We’ll see how far I can get before then, though. Stay tuned.
I made a little more progress on Caradoc’s Chapter 10 of TSoA1. Under quota, but I’m sure the final tally will work out. Stay tuned.
I made a little more progress on Caradoc’s Chapter 1 of TSoA1 and managed to complete Chapter 1 of CeleKing1 at long last. I figure I’ll let the latter sit until next cycle to go back through it and clean it up a bit. More to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update
Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I may not have to put TSoA1 on the back burner after all. I was able to make some progress on what is currently Chapter 10 of the Caradoc gaiden and continued my work on Chapter 1 of CeleKing2. Still not finished on the latter and I don’t plan on setting it down until I am. Stay tuned.
Tags: Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update
Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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While trying to pick up TSoA1, I found myself completely blanking. I may have to put the story on hiatus for a little while to recharge and refocus, but I’m going to give it another day or two to see if the inspiration won’t come. Meanwhile, I did make more progress on Chapter 1 of CeleKing2, but I think I’m going to have to go back through and give it some major edits as the chapter feels rather disjointed and convoluted at the moment. (I guess that’s only natural when you’re grafting offline content with stuff that’s been written years ago.) Things to do. I guess this means CeleKing2 will at least get a couple more days and we’ll see what becomes of TSoA1. Stay tuned.
Tags: Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update
Arthurian, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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After a week of little more than video games and anime, I turned my attention back to TSoA1 a bit. I mostly just played around in the genealogies and other peripheral materials, but I’m also playing with an idea to make a separate gaiden about Caradoc Freichfras and have it follow the main story. The timeframe for the gaiden would fit in the main story, so I may yet decide to just insert the chapters, but I haven’t committed to the idea one way or the other. Something to play with next cycle. Now it’s on to TBP. Stay tuned.
So, before I head out the door on my grand adventure, a quick recap of recent progress. I finished my work on Chapter 26 of TSoA1 and then worked on two chapters that have yet to be enumerated. I decided I’m going to spend at least four chapters on Caradoc Freichfras and his gang. That should add another 10K at least. I may well cover St. Germanus’ campaign against the Picts as well. As noted previously, the chapter structure is about to get shaken up, so all updates will cease to reflect the actual chapters that were worked on, not that I imagine anyone is wanting that accurate a chronicle of my progress. Anyway, I’ll try to get at least a little writing done over the next four days. Stay tuned.
I got through Chapter 22 of TSoA1 and then went on to Chapter 26. Although I’ve got plans to keep me hopping over Golden Week, I’m going to try to pay some time and thought to revamping the story so we can have something closer to a respectable wordcount. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of casting the net wider for the characters and events from the time period, especially the ones who will factor heavily into the future of the overall narrative. As noted the previous chapter numbering will quickly become obsolete, but that isn’t going to bother anyone here too much, now is it? Stay tuned.
I managed to get Chapter 28 of TSoA1 mostly done and made good headway into Chapter 22 as well. These numbers are likely to mean little in the very near future if I decide to go forward with adding a bunch of new chapters, but progress is progress. More to come. Stay tuned.