Mar 25 2016

WIP Update – 24 Mar 16

I managed to wrap up Scipio’s section by finishing his Chapters 2 and 3 as well as his epilogue. I then went on to do a little writing on Urgill’s Chapter 2. Needless to say, I’m rather pleased with the progress I’ve been making. Maybe I can finish a chapter or two of Urgill’s before the weekend’s out. Stay tuned.

Mar 24 2016

WIP Update – 23 Mar 16

I made some progress on Scipio’s Chapter 2 of TTWC3, finished the dialog for his Chapter 3 and wrapped up Chapter 4. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility for me to finish his section this week. That’d leave me with just three sections to go. By my estimates, I could have the book done in about four months. We’ll see if I can make it happen. Stay tuned.

Mar 23 2016

WIP Update – 22 Mar 16

I managed to pretty well wrap up Garm’s Chapters 2 and 4 in TTWC3. That brings his section to a close and meets my goal of getting it finished before TTWC3 debuts on the site. I’ll be moving on to Scipio’s section next and hope to at least get two chapters done before the week’s out. Stay tuned.

Mar 22 2016

Character Spotlight: Medusa

Medusa is a character that hails back from my now lost original concept for what would become The Trident War Chronicles. I’ve been a big fan of Greek mythology ever since I was a child, so it’s little surprise that I’ve woven it in so tightly with my own mythos. Much as Arachne originally had little more going for her besides being a menacing monster, so too was Medusa until I spent some time to give her more character development. I’ve already talked about her relationship with Arachne in an earlier post and there’s not much to add there. I’d probably say Medusa is a little more emotionally dependent on Arachne than Arachne is on her, but that might be because her background is a fair bit more traumatic.

Something I wasn’t expecting in her character until I really got into writing her section was the aspect of her as a tired bureaucrat. She doesn’t serve the Monarch Lich out of any great fear or loyalty, but more because it’s just a job. Basically, when Arachne submitted to him, she had no reason to put up a fight and was given her job as an inspector of the realm. You might think there was a punitive aspect to the Monarch Lich sending her to Notos, but it was simply a matter of him putting her powers and experience to use. As someone who made the rounds all throughout the Darklands multiple times during the Lich’s reign, who better to survey the land of the enemy?

As an interesting side note, there are three degrees of petrification that get covered in more detail in TTWC3, where the characters are on the receiving end and it seemed appropriate to talk about their origin here. Total petrification is fairly familiar and what most people associate with Medusa. Petrification of the flesh, where only a victim’s body is turned to stone, is actually inspired by the Medusa Transducer in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. In my universe at least, I make the rationale that living tissue and dead matter react differently to the spell. This also make a convenient way to loot the victims. The way the Ancients were turned into bronze statues in Everyday Magic follows the same principle. Surface petrification was inspired by the Metroidvania Castlevania games like Symphony of the Night where it looks like total petrification but is ultimately just a shell that you can break free of. This form of petrification has previously been seen in KoG3 when Brenok petrifies Adrienne.

That does it for now. I’ll be back again in a couple months to start our treatment of the leads of TTWC3 with Rowland. Stay tuned.

Mar 07 2016

WIP Update – 06 Mar 16

I wrapped up Garm’s Chapter 5, then made some progress on his Chapters 2 and 4. Finishing up his section next cycle should be no problem. Now it’s time to move on to JJ. Hopefully I can get a chapter or two knocked out this week. Stay tuned.

Mar 06 2016

WIP Update – 05 Mar 16

I pretty well finished Garm’s Chapter 3 and made a little more progress on his Chapter 5. We’ll see if I can make a successful push to finish the latter. (Most of my writing time yesterday was spent catching up on my review backlog and penning the ramble post to follow this one.) Stay tuned.

Mar 06 2016

WIP Update – 04 Mar 16

I made some progress in Garm’s Chapters 3 and 5. A little more of a push and I should be able to finish both. Stay tuned.

Mar 04 2016

WIP Update – 03 Mar 14

I pretty well finished Garm’s epilogue and made more progress on his Chapter 3 as well. I have a decent chance of finishing at least two more chapters this cycle. The goal of finishing Garm’s section by the end of next cycle seems entirely plausible. Here’s to making it happen. Stay tuned.

Mar 03 2016

WIP Update – 02 Mar 16

I made more progress on Scipio’s Chapter 4 of TTWC3. Yes, I know. I’m not going to finish Garm’s section by writing on Scipio’s, but I gotta go where the inspiration takes me. Things should be settling down a bit, so I’m hoping that translates to more writing time. Stay tuned.

Mar 02 2016

WIP Update – 01 Mar 16

I made a little progress on Garm’s epilogue and Scipio’s Chapter 4 of TTWC3. I’ve got two cycles to meet my goal of finishing Garm’s section before TTWC3 starts its serial run. Will I pull it off? That remains to be seen. Honestly, I feel I could finish Scipio’s section sooner, to the point that I’m tempted to switch their order. Maybe I’ll consider it. However, if I just write the dang thing, it won’t be an issue. We’ll see what I can get done. Stay tuned.