May 21 2014

WIP Update – 20 May 13

I spent a fair bit of time in the peripheral materials to better flesh out the details of recent developments in TTWC1. This sort of thing doesn’t move the actual story along, but it does better contextualize events going forward. Stay tuned.

May 20 2014

WIP Update – 19 May 14

I’m back to working on TTWC1. I made a little progress on Gamaliel’s Chapter 3 and my work in his section has prompted some changes over to TTWC3. Adding a little more intrigue, streamlining some stuff. We’ll see how much ground I can cover before the week’s out. Stay tuned.

May 04 2014

WIP Update – 02-03 May 14

I’ve made some progress in Xenomachos’ Chapter 3 of TTWC1, but not nearly as much as I was hoping for. So it goes, I guess.

May 02 2014

WIP Update – 01 May 14

I’ve pretty well finished Xenomachos’ Chapters 1 and 2 and made a little progress on his Chapter 3. So now I essentially have the middle of Xenomachos’ section and the beginning and end of Gamaliel’s. Life’s funny like that. I may continue to push through Xenomachos’ Chapter 3 and then go back to Gamaliel’s Chapter 3. Stay tuned.

May 01 2014

WIP Update – 30 Apr 14

I made some progress on Xenomachos’ Chapters 1 and 2 of TTWC1. Yes, I know I should be focusing on Gamaliel’s section, but these two chapters already have the dialog mostly completed, so it’s easier to just get those knocked out. I’ll probably finish those up and then go back to Gamaliel. Stay tuned.

Apr 30 2014

WIP Update – 29 Apr 14

A little more progress on Gamaliel’s Chapter 3 of TTWC1 and a little dialog for his Chapter 5 as well. It’s a little ironic, but the Army of Light’s campaign in the south is arguably the more dynamic when compared to that of the main force in the north. A good chunk of it doesn’t even get conveyed until the second book. Perhaps that will convince people to stick with the Archbishop and not skip over to Xenomachos’ section. Who knows?

Apr 29 2014

WIP Update – 28 Apr 14

I made a little progress on Gamaliel’s Chapter 3 in TTWC1. I’m a little worried about how readers will take his section, though. It’s one thing to have a brief stopover in an unlikable character’s POV, but this is going to be seven chapters straight of this guy. That’s going to be over three months in the serial run. I suppose my job is to keep him interesting. We’ll see how I fare at that. Stay tuned.

Apr 12 2014

WIP Update – 11 Apr 14

I did a little more writing on TTWC2 and did some work on a few of the Space Arc shorts in development. I think I’m about ready to hop over and start doing some work on Tico4 for a while. However, I have other priorities that come first, so I can’t make any promises of much progress in the immediate future. We’ll see how it goes, though. Stay tuned.

Apr 11 2014

WIP Update – 10 Apr 14

I did a fair bit of assorted writing in TTWC2, mostly retooling chapters from the previous draft. I also did some work in the peripheral materials, focused around Tellus in particular. (I should probably add a subtitle to that story so there’s no confusion between it and the larger Tellus Arc.) I was formalizing some of the genealogical work and may continue it farther. Anyway, progress was made. Not too sure I’ll have much time to go farther over the weekend, but we’ll see. Stay tuned.

Apr 10 2014

WIP Update – 09 Apr 14

Usually I don’t have the time to get any writing done on days I update the site, but I did add a little bit here and there in TTWC1. There wasn’t much of a concerted effort, so I’m not going to list all the chapters I added one or two lines to.

In other news, I sent off a fresh query for KoG1, the first one in a long time. I’d generally given up on querying, but the agent in question has just went independent, so I figured now was a good time to make a shot. If KoG1 doesn’t quite grab her but she does show interest in my writing, I may try again with Tico1. I know I had one query a while back where the agent liked my writing but KoG1 didn’t quite do it for her. This and other feedback from agents I’ve gotten pretty well confirms that I have a good handle on my craft, but the real trick is finding the agent who can connect with the material and passionately promote it to publishers. Yes, I know I’ve said that publication isn’t that big of a deal for me, but there’s not an author out there who doesn’t want to see their work on bookshelves. Will anything come of this latest attempt? I’m not holding my breath, but I should know in six weeks’ time. Stay tuned.