Jul 13 2015

WIP Update – 12 Jul 15

I did a little work on Rowland’s Chapter 5 and epilogue of TTWC3. I haven’t decided if I want to keep on working on TTWC3 or not. I’ve been talking about making progress on JJ and EM for weeks now and I should probably consider it. Stay tuned.

Jul 12 2015

WIP Update – 11 Jul 15

I’ve pretty well finished with Medusa’s Chapter 5, which effectively means that I’m done with TTWC2. Yay. That makes ten novels down. Not a bad bit of work. Perhaps if I can consistently meet quota, I can get my completion rate to something closer to a novel per year. That’d be nice. Anyway, now I can pick up work on TTWC3, but I also need to make some more progress on JJ and EM before their serialization starts in September. Fun, fun, fun. Stay tuned.

Jul 11 2015

WIP Update – 10 Jul 15

I managed to pretty well finish Medusa’s epilogue and make a little progress on her Chapter 5 as well. Really close now. One more push and I should be done. Let’s see if I can make it happen. Stay tuned.

Jul 10 2015

WIP Update – 09 Jul 15

I managed to get Medusa’s Chapter 4 of TTWC2 pretty well finished. Just two more chapters to go. Let’s see if I can’t finish it before the weekend’s out. Stay tuned.

Jul 09 2015

WIP Update – 08 Jul 15

I did a little writing on Medusa’s Chapter 4 and some work in the peripheral materials. I also wrote a little on “The Dragon Lady’s Dark Secret”. I know I should finish “The Case of the Striped Leopard” first, but I’ve been watching a fair bit of old mystery movies lately and you need to jot things down with the inspiration strikes. Stay tuned for more.

Jul 08 2015

WIP Update – 07 Jul 15

I pretty well finished Xorgoth’s Chapter 5 of TTWC2, which means all I have left is three chapters of Medusa’s section and I’ll be done. I’m certainly ready to move on. Maybe I can even wrap things up before the week is out. Stay tuned.

Jul 01 2015

WIP Update – 30 Jun 15

I broke the string of consistent progress when I spent a day working on a record of the major engagements of the Darklands campaign in the Trident War. I’d already finished a similar record for the Notos theater and decided to continue the work. That didn’t leave me with any time for actual story progress, unfortunately. Yesterday I very nearly had no progress at all, but I managed to jot down a little on the mystery project I’ve mentioned in passing a few times earlier, a Cross Arc story of the Fifth Empire Cycle I’m tentatively calling Merkab as I haven’t thought up a proper title yet.

You know, before Square started making lateral sequels, I used to think it was a waste for them to build up a world for only a single game. However, I’m doing much the same in a lot of my Cross Arc stories and I have to say, my love of worldbuilding makes me not mind all that much. Of course, I always reserve the option to tell more stories in any given setting. I don’t know if I mentioned it here, but originally, the novels that would become the Tellus Arc were nearly all set on different worlds. (Direct sequels and prequels being excepted, obviously.) It wasn’t until I was digitizing my original notes in ’01 that I stitched the world map together. That’s why the current maps of the Southern Continent in the KoG series are aligned in such a way that the top of the map actually pointing eastward. I’ve repeatedly vowed to redraw the maps but have yet to make it happen.

Anyway, this new project should prove interesting. I’m including more fantasy elements than a lot of the Cross Arc stories, so that should be fun. We’ll see what I get into next. Stay tuned.

Jun 29 2015

WIP Update – 28 Jun 15

I made a little progress on Xorgoth’s Chapter 4 of TTWC2 but fell short of my goal of finishing it (in no small part due to the mascot’s urging me to go to bed). I may continue working on it another day before moving on. Stay tuned.

Jun 28 2015

WIP Update – 27 Jun 15

I pretty well finished Xorgoth’s Chapter 3 and did a little work on his Chapter 4 as well. I should be able to finish the section as planned. I’ll then switch over to either JJ or EM. Stay tuned.

Jun 27 2015

WIP Update – 26 Jun 15

I made some more progress on Xorgoth’s Chapter 3 of TTWC2. I may not meet my goal of finishing his section before the weekend’s out, but I’ll try. Stay tuned.