I had more time than usual to focus on writing and I very nearly stayed on task for most of it. I made some good progress on Chapter 23 of TWH but fell short of finishing it. The trick I’ve been using the past couple of weeks of finishing up Saturday morning and posting in the evening won’t work for reasons I’ll mention in the next post, but maybe something can happen. Stay tuned.
It turned out that I didn’t need to change as many references in previous chapters as I thought. In fact, I only needed to shorten Gunrok’s forced march to Grau from four days to two, as Grau didn’t end up to be all that far from Milon after the recalculation. However, I did have to move Chapter 20 to Chapter 18 and then push up Chapters 18 and 19 to 19 and 20. You see, after the recalculation, Lys’ party crosses into Gotland the day before Lord Shahazz’in decides to go probing around in poor Prince Rickardt’s noggin. The effect of Sir Burkhardt’s moment touching his native soil for the first time in years would’ve lost a lot of it’s impact if they’d already been in Gotland for a day or two.
How about Chapter 23? Well, I ended up getting distracted by working out Gotland’s units of measure that I didn’t actually make much headway, but now the path should be clear and hopefully I can power through. Stay tuned.
I inched along a bit more in Chapter 23 of TWH, but progress was gummed up when I needed better information on where everyone was, which led to me recalculating all the distances travelled and the time it took to cover those distances. To get everything to line up, I had to push the final battle back eight days. Now I need to go back and adjust all the time references, so that’ll be fun, but once I’m done with that, I should be able to sally forth at a decent clip and get the daggone chapter done. Stay tuned.
Between work keeping me hopping and being wiped out by the time I get home, I haven’t made much progress. I think I managed to write about two sentences on Chapter 23 of TWH before conking out. In the process of getting to those two sentences, I ended up naming all the territories in the Principality of Bascon and while I was doing that, I realized that I hadn’t labelled the territories in Lothria in my map of the Allied Kingdoms to match up to my key, so I worked on that. It would’ve been vastly easier when I was making the key way back when, as I had to kinda back-engineer to figure out what was what. All sorts of fun, but it doesn’t get me too far ahead in the story itself. Hopefully I can turn things around and drive through to the end. Stay tuned.
I started in on Chapter 23 of TWH on the flight, so that’s a bit of a head-start on next cycle. I need to be switching over to CoP, but I have serious doubts on the kind of progress I’m going to make in the coming week. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I did some more work in the WttW peripheral materials, but more importantly, I finished Chapter 22 of TWH, so I’ll be able to post the story update once I get settled in my lodgings in the wilds. I was intending to get started on Chapter 23, but I ended up doing some work on a little side project I hadn’t touched in ages instead. Well, I don’t hold out a lot of hope for making much progress over the weekend, but maybe I can surprise us all. Stay tuned.
Tags: Else Arc, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Else Arc, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I had an idea percolating in my head on Wednesday, one that I didn’t commit to page as there wasn’t much of anything I got done that day. (And I can only blame reading the final volume of Oshi no Ko for my lack of productivity in the evening, that and my increasingly common habit of passing out in my chair before I get around for bed.) Anyway, that was more fodder for the WttW peripheral materials, but I didn’t stop there. It wasn’t until the evening that I got to it (and a wonder I was able to progress as much as I did), but I actually was able to make some respectable headway in Chapter 22 of TWH. This isn’t going to be that long of a chapter, so there’s actually a decent measure hope of me making my deadline. I’ll buckle down and power through. Stay tuned.
Tags: Else Arc, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Else Arc, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I fiddled around with the WttW peripheral materials some more, but a kernel update prompted me to reboot my machine and that made for an excuse not to open up all those files again. In theory, that should’ve meant a lot of good progress would get made on Chapter 22 of TWH. Well, I can’t say “a lot”, but at least some progress was made. That’s something, right? I need to pick up the pace, though. Stay tuned.
Tags: Else Arc, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Else Arc, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Things really weren’t looking good for me this week, with me not having any time for writing at the office and being too exhausted by the time I got home, but I pledged to finish Chapter 21 of TWH today and I was up until dawn to get it done (and that was after spending much of the day out Christmas shopping). It’s finally done and the finished product is quite the chonker of a chapter, clocking in around 8500 words. Only Chapter 11 is longer (and not by much). I generally consider 10K to be the upper limit for a chapter, but I can’t break chapters quite as easily as some other stories as this one follows a strict pattern of shifting POV characters each time with usually several days having passed from one chapter to the next. (Most of my books shift POV from one chapter to the next, but the pattern isn’t always so strictly enforced.) Anyway, this six-month odyssey is finally over, so here’s to it not taking that long to finish Chapter 22. Stay tuned.
So yesterday I conked right out the moment I was about the start writing and today wasn’t much better with me not even finishing a paragraph on Chapter 21 of TWH. It’s not looking great so far, but I have Friday off and may have to just clamp down to get myself over the line. We’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned.