Dec 21 2021

WIP Update – 13-17 Dec 21

I finished up Chapters 6 and 8 of NagaTen and started in on Chapter 9. I have some gaps to patch over, but I can get to that on the next round. Now it’s time to switch over to TWH. Stay tuned.

Nov 29 2021

WIP Update – 24-27 Nov 21

I got through Chapter 3 of TWH and started on Chapter 4 as well, then did some work on the peripheral materials. Time to move on to EM2. I’ve got the week off, so good luck to me actually making any progress. Stay tuned.

Nov 23 2021

WIP Update – 15-20 Nov 21

We’re getting through the last big assignment before term exams, so I’ve had a lot of papers to grade and as a result, not much time to write. All I managed was some measly headway in Chapter 3 of TWH. I’ve also been working on a new scale version of the Tellus map so I can better judge distances (which is something I need to get done to properly calculate travel times in the story). I don’t know if I’ll continue with TWH or switch over to EM2. We’ll see. Stay tuned.

Oct 31 2021

WIP Update – 24-29 Oct 21

I mostly finished Chapter 1 of TWH, followed it with Chapter 2, then did a bit on Chapter 3. I’ll be switching over to EM2 now. Stay tuned.

Oct 24 2021

WIP Update – 18-22 Oct 21

I was filling in some gaps in NagaTen and spending time in the peripheral materials, to include filling out more of the outline so we aren’t taking too much of an ad hoc approach to the story (though it still isn’t quite all set yet). I then found myself hit with a sudden spurt of inspiration and started writing on something that may fit into a future project. Once that was out of the way, I went back to TWH to go over what I’d already written and add just a little bit to Chapter 1. Now, given how little I worked on TWH this past week, I’m going to give it a full week’s attention before switching over again. That’s it for now. Stay tuned.

Oct 03 2021

WIP Update – 27 Sep – 01 Oct 21

I pretty well finished the prologue and made some good progress on Chapter 1 of The Witch Hunters (which I’ll start calling TWH for short). I guess it’s time to get back to EM2. Stay tuned.

Mar 03 2014

WIP Update – 02 Mar 14

I started by resuming work on Ionathas’ Chapter 2 of TTWC1 (which is turning out to be a fair bit longer than I originally intended), played around with a related side story, and even found myself doing a little writing on The Witch Hunters, all the while doing a fair bit of work on the peripheral materials. All in all, a rather productive day, but perhaps I should’ve been devoting a little of that time and energy toward other things. So it goes. I hope to at least finish Ionathas’ Chapters 2 and 3 this week and after that we’ll see if I continue on a bit further or switch back to Tico3. Stay tuned.

Feb 17 2014

WIP Update – 16 Feb 14

I’ve been busy with other stuff lately and haven’t done much writing. I did a little bit of work on Chapter 23 of Tico3, but not nearly enough if I mean to make the deadline for this week’s update. Ironically, I made more progress on the Tellus Arc story The Witch Hunters because I was brainstorming some dialog for a couple scenes and decided to jot it down. Anyway, we’ll see if I can’t pull things together in the next day or two. Stay tuned.