I did pretty well for myself today. I got through KoG2 and 3, T3W and KniTwi, as well as adding a fair number of teasers. From here, I can focus on the remaining Cross Arc stories and any other odds and ends and that should wrap up the Stories section of the site. I should be able to get all that done by the time the weekend’s out. From there, I can start getting the reviews back up, and once all the content is restored, I can start fighting with Drupal so I can get things looking the way I want. By my estimates, it’ll probably take another two weeks. We’ll tentatively set our goal at being fully functional by Easter. Now it’s back to work for me. Stay tuned.
P.S. While working on T3W, I did get sidetracked a bit doing some renaming of characters for greater consistency. Ended up renaming about half of Randwulf’s family tree, and that’s just for starters. I still have the other seven of the Eight Stars to go, but I’ll save that for another time, and maybe explain things in a Commentary post.
I’ve been without an Internet connection for a while now, but I’m back now and I actually have a fair bit to report. I’ve gone on to finish Daphne’s Chapter 5 and Epilogue and have done a fair bit of work on chapters from Ionathas, Gamaliel, Xenomachos, and Corona as well as write up a short that bridges Daphne’s Chapter 4 and 5. I even spent a fair bit of time piddling around on my lexicon for the Elvish common tongue. I also went through The Three Warriors from stem to stern. It’s funny that I found the task so tedious when I tried it last month, but I just blazed through the whole thing in a single day. Didn’t add much, but I have streamlined the text and I’ll be uploading the new version soon. Honestly, I’m half-tempted to unplug myself deliberately from time to time just so I can get some solid work done.
Well, all this recent progress has been nice, but I’ve got stuff coming up that may not be giving me a whole lot of time to spare, but I’ll see what I can do in the days and weeks to come. If nothing else, I’ll need some means of escape from time to time and my writing is sure to be just the thing. Stay tuned.
Tags: T3W, Tellus Arc, The Three Warriors, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, WIP Update
Gladius, Tellus Arc, The Three Warriors, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, WIP Update | James Carmack | Comments (0)