Maybe things will settle down to the point where I can take the time to make a daily note of progress instead of popping in once a week or so. I believe I’ve been saying that for a while now.
Anyway, I finished Chapter 3 of KniTwi and I was kinda working on both it and Chapter 1 of EM2 at the same time. Once those were done, I went on to Chapter 21 of JJ2. In other words, now that I’m posting my progress, it’s time to cycle back around to KniTwi. We’ll see what writing I get done in the next few days. I’m going to be a bit busy, but there’s also a fair bit of transit time where I could be productive. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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And here I thought I was going to start posting more frequently. I will plead the excuse that I’ve been busy going from one end of the country to the other in search of work. (I finally succeeded, so yay for that, but now I’ve got to go through all the flaming hoops of getting a new place, moving, etc., etc.)
Fortunately, all this time in transit hasn’t kept me from writing. I finished Chapter 20 of JJ2 and am currently working my way through Chapter 3 of KniTwi. I should be wrapping that up in the next day or two. More to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Gladius, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Gladius, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I finished the prologue of EM2. I decided that a section I was going to add at the end would actually work better as the prologue for EM3.
Most of Saturday was devoted to transcribing my backlog, which included a lot of time spent calculating travel times for KniTwi. Between it and Tellus, I’m going to have to rescale my world map because the original scale resulted in unrealistic distances. Honestly, I might do well to reduce it further still, as I tend to impose some rather tough paces for my characters. I do keep it in the realm of realism, though. Even though I didn’t use as precise calculations for the KoG series, I was glad to find that I could make the times work as I’d written them for KoG1 at least. I still have to go through KoG2 and KoG3.
From Sunday I started in on Chapter 20 of JJ2. You can tell that I’m becoming increasingly Japanese in my mindset when I feel it’s necessary to have an onsen episode. I’ll be working on that a while and then it’ll be back to KniTwi. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Knight of Gladius, KniTwi, KoG1, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, Junker Jorg 2, Knight of Gladius, KoG1, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I powered my way through Chapter 19 of JJ2, then knocked out Chapter 2 of KniTwi, and now I’m working on the prologue of EM2. We’re moving right on along and there’s more to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I put those finishing touches on Chapter 26 of CeleKing3 and finished Chapter 27 as well, so other than getting the last bit transcribed and going over the manuscript from top to bottom, I’m done with the book. What are we at, 19 now? Yay.
From there, I started on Chapter 19 of JJ2 and I’ll be continuing with that for a while, then it’s back to KniTwi. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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So much for me updating more recently, but at least I’m still writing. I finished the prologue of KniTwi, did Chapter 18 of JJ2, then went back to work on Chapter 1 of KniTwi. I’ll keep on working on KniTwi and also round out Chapter 26 of CeleKing3. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Gladius, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Gladius, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I knocked out Chapter 17 of JJ2 and then moved on to Chapter 26 of CeleKing3. Once I’m through with that, I’ll probably dig into Tellus‘ successor. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I managed to finish Chapter 16 of JJ2 to get things back on track. I’ve got a couple chapters’ lead time in CeleKing3, so I’m going to go ahead and finish Tellus so I can get started on the next project. Stay tuned.
One: I really didn’t follow my suggestion to post these updates more frequently. Two: It’s taken me a whole week just to post the update. Three: I haven’t done any actual writing since then. Well, it’s Christmas and all that, so I can get back on schedule once I’m back in Japan.
Anyway, on to the update itself. As you already know, I finished Chapter 41 of Tellus and then went on to work on Chapter 16 of JJ2. Obviously I haven’t finished that yet. We’re just going to say that no significant progress is going to be made until I’m settled in once again back in sunny Nippon. Until then. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Hannibal, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Hannibal, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I’ve kept chugging along and have managed to wrap up Chapter 15 of JJ2 in time for the Thursday update. Yay. Now it’s time to move things along with CeleKing3. Stay tuned.