I did some writing on Chapter 14, a new insertion as I realized that I’d brought Umbriel into the story and then promptly did nothing with him until the end. Oops. ^o^ Well, that’s been resolved. Maybe when Sunday rolls around, I can start working on some chronological progress. Stay tuned.
I did some writing on Chapter 9 of TBP. Yes, I know that’s a jump ahead in the story, but it happened to be the scene that came to mind. One of the problems I have is that I already have bits and pieces written all over the place, but I don’t have access to the content while I’m at work, which can result in issues of overlap and such that I have to iron out later. So it goes. More to come. Stay tuned.
I wrapped up Chapter 1 of TBP and did a little writing on Chapter 2 as well. Tempting as it is to stick with it, I’m going to switch over to CeleKing1 as planned as it’s closer to launch and I need to give myself as much lead time as I can. Ideally, I want to get at least two chapters knocked out this week. Stay tuned.
I already made the announcement on Twitter, but I put the finishing touches on Akasame’s epilogue of TTWC3, completing the novel. Yay. Just for fun, let’s rank the 24 leads of the TTWC series based on the word count of their sections. The results may surprise you (and may not).
1. Daphne (TTWC1) – 20092
2. Carpos (TTWC3) – 14176
3. Xanthe (TTWC1) – 12688
4. Ionathas (TTWC1) – 12074
5. Simona (TTWC3) – 11331
6. Akasame (TTWC3) – 11094
7. Solon (TTWC1) – 10051
8. Cronos (TTWC1) – 10513
9. Urgill (TTWC3) – 10121
10. Mab (TTWC3) – 9756
11. Corona (TTWC1) – 9466
12. Rowland (TTWC3) – 9291
13. Scipio (TTWC3) – 8603
14. Garm (TTWC3) – 8028
15. Caligo (TTWC2) – 7656
16. Xenomachos (TTWC1) – 6936
17. Medusa (TTWC2) – 6770
18. Orguz (TTWC2) – 6556
19. Xorgoth (TTWC2) – 6024
20. Arachne (TTWC2) – 5512
21. Python (TTWC2) – 5492
22. Gamaliel (TTWC1) – 5200
23. Monarch Lich (TTWC2) – 4987
24. Dox (TTWC2) – 4002
Hmm. I think my Elf-bias is showing. Given that Daphne’s section has the most bearing on the Umbriel Cycle at large, it’s little surprise she has the largest share, but some of these surprise me at where they stand relative to the others. I’m sure I have a round of rewrites in my future, especially to expand on TTWC2, but this is what things look like now as of Version 3 of the story.
I didn’t do much writing on TBP other than a couple lines in Chapter 1. All I did for the most part is review the prologue and what I’d written thus far on Chapter 1. I intend to do a little more writing on it and then switch over to CeleKing1. Stay tuned.
Tags: BroPen, TBP, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, TTWC2, TTWC3, Umbriel, WIP Update
Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, TTWC2, TTWC3, Umbriel, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I did a little work on Chapters 5, 6 and 7 of BroPen. Right now I’m mostly just laying down a little dialog so I have something to build on when I go back through to write out the full chapters. I’m trying to decide whether or not I want to stick with BroPen a while longer or switch over to something else. With all the work that’s coming in, I’m having to focus a lot on that, but that isn’t a bad thing. Stay tuned.
I did some writing on Chapter 3 and 4 of BroPen. I’m a little behind the power curve, but I’ve got a lot of work to get done, so I may fall further behind. So it goes. These dodgily translated medical dialogs with an even dodgier grasp of medical accuracy aren’t going to check themselves. Stay tuned.
I wrote some dialog for Chapter 3 of BroPen. The project I was talking about earlier is still going on strong, but I may have a little more time for writing if I stay on top of things. That is, of course, if I don’t use the time to play Suiko2 instead. ^_^; Stay tuned.
All I did was work on the character glossary for BroPen, but as that’s one of the appendices, I’m going to count it toward quota. I have a huge project that’s come in, so I really don’t have much time for anything else in the near future, but I’m going to try to at least get the minimum quota done. We’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned.
I realized that because I have the chapter structure all laid out for BroPen, it would be appropriate for me to note which chapters I’ve been working on. Most of the work was done on Chapter 1, but I also added a little dialog to Chapter 9. I think I’ll be sticking with this story for a while. Look for more to come. Stay tuned.
After missing my quota Saturday, I picked BroPen back up and made a little progress. I made the questionable choice of watching the third through fifth entries in the Hellraiser series last night. In retrospect, it would’ve been better to have devoted the entire time to writing. I imagine I’m in for much worse when I watch 6-8. I wonder if I should do movie reviews as a side gig. Maybe it’d be a source of some amusement. Stay tuned.