I managed to finish up Chapter 13 of TBP. I actually cut out a good 200 words when I decided the scene was going on too long and distracting from the intended focus of the chapter. I also rounded out Chapter 12 and started filling in Chapter 10. Yes, I know I’m all over the place, but I’ll get the ducks in a row soon. Maybe not by the end of this round, but soon. Stay tuned.
I jumped ahead in the story a bit to round out Chapter 13 of TBP. I still need to pen the conclusion, but it’s about 98% done. Because I was kinda stuck on Chapter 6, I may go and fill in the partial chapters I have between 8 and 13 first. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
After missing a day, I made a little progress–albeit under quota–on Chapter 6 of TBP. Among other things, I haven’t been in the best of health lately, but stalling out like this is starting to annoy, so I’m going to see what I can do about picking up the pace. Stay tuned.
I fell short of my overall goals for the week, but I still managed to finish Chapters 5 and 7 of TBP and started in on Chapter 6. I’d like to stick with it longer, but I’m going to switch over to CeleKing1. Seeing as how it’s currently in serialization, moving it along is something of a priority. Finishing two chapters this week is the goal. Stay tuned.
Another day of negligible progress on Chapter 5 of TBP, but I can at least try to make the excuse that I was busy putting together the update. My reviews of Star Wars films tend to go on quite a bit longer than most others (gee, I wonder why). Anyway, I’ve got the weekend laid bare before me, so maybe I can make up that lost progress and still hit my goals for the week. Stay tuned.
Well, once again I’ve come up under quota, but I did make some progress on Chapter 5 of TBP. It’s something. More to come. Stay tuned.
Hey. I finally managed to make quota and I was able to wrap up the new Chapter 3 of TBP. Not too shabby (meeting the minimum standard I’ve set for myself). Chapter 4 is in the same position as before, so now it’s on to Chapter 5, which used to be further down in the story until I started calculating travel times and realized three weeks was a little too long to get a response out of Seth. If I do 5, 6 and 7, I’ll close the gaps the restructuring has caused, which is a worthy goal. Let’s see if we can make it happen. Stay tuned.
I once again wrote a paragraph’s worth of progress on the new Chapter 3 of TBP. Obviously I need to pick up the pace. We’ll see if I can make it happen. Stay tuned.
I made a little progress on the new Chapter 3 of TBP, though well under quota. I suppose I let myself get too wrapped up grinding Cerberus before the latest event in GBF ended. Really should be prioritizing my writing, but you know how it goes. I managed to wildly underperform last week, so I’m going to have to make a better showing of it this time around. Stay tuned.
The main accomplishment was getting the TBP manuscript all rearranged to match the new outline, but I also wrote some reviews and made progress on Chapter 12 of CeleKing1, about enough for a day’s quota, obviously not enough for the week. As such, I’m going to extend my work on CeleKing1 into this week and then switch over to TSoA1. Speaking of TSoA1, I’m not going to start serializing it until I have at least ten chapters written, so while CeleKing1 will start its serial run next week, TSoA1 will have to wait a month or two (or three). I don’t imagine it’ll hurt anyone’s feeling too much. So, that’s the plan for the immediate future. Now, if you’ll excuse me while I grumble about my lack of a (functioning) Japanese cell phone preventing me from upgrading my limited edition SR Shiburin… Hopefully we’ll have more genuine progress to report this week. Stay tuned.
Tags: Arthurian, BroPen, CeleKing1, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, TBP, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, WIP Update
Arthurian, CeleKing1, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Earth Arc, Fifth Empire, Tellus Arc, The Brothers Pendragon, The Seeds of Avalon, TSoA1, Umbriel, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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