After accomplishing jack, diddly and squat over Golden Week, I picked up Tellus to resume progress on Chapter 7, or rather, make up for progress that was lost when my laptop crashed a while back. That’s what I get for not being more careful about saving, I guess. Hopefully I can focus and make some decent headway as the serial run is about to catch up with me. More to come. Stay tuned.
Another day, another bit of minor progress on Chapter 7 of Tellus.
Reader: “Weren’t you supposed to be working on Tzipi’s Garden this week?”
I was, but the lingering task of finishing Chapter 7 of Tellus remained stuck in my head and I couldn’t really change gears.
Reader: “Then why didn’t you just focus on finishing Chapter 7?”
Hey, man, I happen to have an amazing talent for wasting time proportional to the amount of time I have on my hands. If you want me to be productive, you have to give me a whole lot less time to get anything done. Speaking of which, I’ll be back to my normal work schedule next week and I’ve got a heavier load than last year, so if the patterns of my behavior hold, that means I’ll get even more writing done (maybe). Of course, after one regular week of work, Golden Week will follow and I’ll be back to square one. Joy.
Well, let’s see what I can get accomplished by the time the week’s out. Stay tuned.
It’s really not enough to count, but I made a little more progress on Chapter 7 of Tellus. Yes, I’ve mostly been frittering away my time instead of writing, but I have been doing some relevant research as well. I think if I make a point to write while Ayame is taking her afternoon nap, I might have a little more success. We’ll see what happens. Stay tuned.
After rereading my most recent work in TG to get back into the swing of things, I really didn’t know how I wanted to proceed, so I wrote a bit on Chapter 7 of Tellus instead. Maybe I can focus a little better tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, TG, Tzipi's Garden, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, Tzipi's Garden, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I didn’t accomplish anything Friday because by the time I was ready to focus on getting a little writing done, the little boss had it in her head that I needed to go to bed and no amount of effort on my part was going to dissuade her. I did, however, turn it around and get a little more written on Chapter 8 of Tellus. I’m still falling well short of my goals in terms of progress, but I have a feeling once my work resumes, I’ll be able to focus a little more. (It’s always been that way. The less time I have to write, the more writing I get done.) I’ve got another day to see how far I can get and then it’s back to TG. Stay tuned.
I didn’t start writing until late, so I decided to jump ahead and write a little on Chapter 8 of Tellus. (I tend to find it takes less brainpower to start something new than pick up where I left off.) Hopefully I can buckle down and finish Chapter 7 and be on my merry way. Stay tuned.
I made a little progress on Chapter 7 of Tellus. Under par but something’s better than nothing after the recent dry spell. I’d like to think that once I get through Chapter 7, I can pick up the pace a bit. More to come. Stay tuned.
I managed to get back on the wagon and make some progress in Chapter 7 of Tellus. My goal is to get through Chapter 9 by the time I switch over, but that may be a little too ambitious. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I made a little more progress on Chapter 7 of Tellus. Nowhere near what I need to be doing, but I was finding myself getting stuck. I’ll spend the next week on Tellus as well and hopefully make up for lost time. Stay tuned.
It was only half a day’s quota, definitely not the four days’ worth I’m behind, but I made a little progress on Chapter 7 of Tellus. I’m kinda being held in limbo until the new course starts and I can’t say I’ve been using my time in the most productive ways. I’ll get back into the swing of things, though. I may continue to work on Tellus into next week to make up for lost time. We’ll see. Stay tuned.