I made some respectable progress on Chapter 21 of TWH, mainly because I didn’t do any work-work, but, hey, it’s bunkasai. I doubt I’ll finish the chapter in time for the weekend, but at least I’m moving forward. That’s something. We’ll see how much more I can get done. Stay tuned.
I’m continuing to inch along in Chapter 21 of TWH. Can I finish the chapter before the weekend? I doubt it, but maybe I’ll surprise everyone, myself first of all. Stay tuned.
I made a little progress on Chapter 21 of TWH. Managed to plug some holes in a scene and have things set up to go forward. I’ve got some grading to do and minding of the kiddos, but I hope to make more progress as the week goes on. Stay tuned.
Although I haven’t accomplished much, it’s been so long that I really felt that I ought to check in. Technically, I did a little bit of work on Chapter 21 of TWH last Friday, but I didn’t think it was enough to warrant a mention, but I did a little more poking on it and some revisions to the epilogue of EM3. Regarding the latter, I still feel I need a couple more lines to properly close things out. I’ve been rather busy with the start of the new term and haven’t had the time to focus on writing. There’s still quite a bit of work piled up and it’ll take me at least another week until things start to settle down a bit. I’ll try to get some content here with a little more frequency, but I won’t make any promises just yet. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM3, Everyday Magic 3, Hecate, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 3, Hecate, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I don’t really deserve credit for it, but I did a little more work on Chapter 21 of TWH, spending more time under the hood sorting out some things for the setting of the chapter. And because I can’t seem to stay focused on a single task, I went back to Colony Flipper to write a bit there, springing off some additional work I’d done on my planetary database the other day. Well, I’m definitely not making my deadline and I suppose we can look forward to me switching over to two weeks of not making any progress on EM3. Yay. -_- Well, maybe I’ll end up surprising us all. You can’t ever tell. Stay tuned.
Tags: ColoFlip, Colony Flipper, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, TWH, WIP Update
Colony Flipper, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hecate, Tellus Arc, The Witch Hunters, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Well, if you think it’s frustrating not being able to read Chapter 21 of TWH by now, imagine my frustration with not having it written yet. Now, I’ve been doing mental previz for the past several weeks but have kept floundering when it comes to putting the words to the page. I did manage to push through by skipping a bit of narration for later and got a little of the dialog that’s been swirling around in my head written down. That’s something but well short of the mark. Although I haven’t been quite as busy or felt quite as run-down as I have in weeks past, I’m still having trouble finding the time, energy and focus to make sufficient progress. I’ll try to buckle down and we’ll see where it gets me. Stay tuned.
I haven’t posted since Monday’s efforts, so you might think that I haven’t been doing anything productive in all that time. While I haven’t made the story progress I would have hoped, I was doing a fair bit of work in the peripheral materials, divvying up the territories in the rest of the Eight Kingdoms as I had done for Bergeny. Why was I doing this when there was a chapter I needed to be finishing? Well, I needed a better understanding of the area where the chapter was taking place as the local politics factor into how the story plays out. Yes, it’s more effort than some authors put into the behind-the-scenes part of their work, but this is the kind of author I am.
I did get some actual story progress done during my time at Immigration and City Hall yesterday, moving a bit forward in Chapter 21 of TWH, but nowhere near enough to make the deadline. I now have to decide between giving it another week or switching over to EM3 for the time being, though I’m even more lost on the upcoming chapter there. (I know the overall plot, but I’m getting bogged down in the details of how to make it all work plausibly.) You’ll find out after next Monday, I imagine. Stay tuned.
After a whole week of not even touching any story content, it felt really nice to actually sit down and meet my daily quota for a change working on Chapter 21 of TWH. Maybe I can get into the habit of taking a nap in the evening, then doing my writing and going to bed. I know I’d managed something along those lines last year. Now if I can just make a habit of it. We’ll see what I can get done. Stay tuned.
It’s not much, but I put the finishing touches on Chapter 20 of TWH, so it should be ready to go for Saturday. I would’ve liked to get more written, as always, but I didn’t have a whole lot of time to spare. Lots of stuff on my plate at work, so that’s one thing keeping me hopping at the moment. Maybe I can turn things around a bit over the long weekend. Stay tuned.
I kept working on Chapter 20 of TWH and have it mostly finished. I may continue on TWH for a while longer to get a leg up on the next cycle. We’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned.