I’ve gotten caught up on my grading (well, the old stuff at least), so I could redirect energy toward Chapter 21 of TWH. I didn’t figure it was worth noting yesterday’s progress as I only made about a sentence’s worth of progress, detailing the first course of the meal. I made it much farther today (and would’ve gotten farther still if I didn’t have an extra hour of babysitting to do; though it would’ve been less of an issue if I had a laptop with a functioning battery). I think I’ve got an idea of how to conclude things, so I just have to make my way to that point. The verbal sparring continues. Stay tuned.
I did a little work on Chapter 21 of TWH. It wasn’t much, but at least I’ve gotten the ball rolling. We’ll see how far I can get this week. Stay tuned.
I didn’t quite utilize my time the way I originally intended, so I only ended up making a little progress in Chapter 21 of TWH, well short of what was needed to finish it. Although I won’t make the update, I’ll at least try to keep the ball rolling this weekend, but with work on Saturday and me having fallen behind on my viewing for the movie reviews, I can’t promise much. Stay tuned.
We’re continuing along in Chapter 21 of TWH. I’ve finally gotten to the much-awaited dinner scene. Fun awaits. Stay tuned.
I made more progress on Chapter 21 of TWH. Can I get the chapter finished in time? I’m not sure, but I can try. Stay tuned.
I’m continuing to inch along in Chapter 21 of TWH. I may have a way to the end, but it’s a bit cheap and I’d like to avoid it if I can, so I may have to do a bit more thinking. I’ll see what I can do. Stay tuned.
I did a little writing on Chapter 21 of TWH. I was mostly reacclimating to the story before picking things back up. Now I’ve got to push through to the end. I need to actually figure out how I’m going to end it. Fun, fun, fun. Stay tuned.
I made a little more progress on Chapter 21 of TWH. Would’ve liked to have done more, as always, but progress is progress. More to come, one would hope. Stay tuned.
I made some more progress on Chapter 21 of TWH, getting set up for the main event of the chapter. Something to get excited for, though I haven’t decoded how far I’m willing to go to resolve the situation that’s developing here. I guess that’s something I’ll discover as I go.
In other news, I recently had a burst of inspiration and so I spent a fair bit of time jotting down the ideas I’ve come up with. It actually ties into an earlier idea I had that I started developing further and I’m thinking of tying into a repurposed DnD scenario I was making for my niece that I never got around to using (as we never got past the character creation stage) and an alternative game system I developed when I was trying to make a simpler one than the system I’ve been putting together for the Welcome to the World series. Basically, it’s growing into its own cycle of the Else Arc, but it’s still in an embryonic stage at the moment. I’ll post more as it develops, but I really do need to be focusing on my primary task at the moment. Hopefully I can continue to make steady progress. Stay tuned.
Well, it turned out that I got more into the bunkasai festivities on Friday than I was expecting, so I didn’t get any writing done, but yesterday I did manage to find time to get some more writing on Chapter 21 of TWH done. I still have a ways to go, however. I need to think about whether I want to give it another week or move on to the next cycle. Stay tuned.