After being stuck so long on how to rescript a particular scene, I’ve been clawing my way forward on Chapter 38 of Tellus, but even after two days of rather decent progress, it looks like I’m going to miss the mark again. At very least, the release of the chapter will take another day, but I may just go ahead and push it to next week so I’m not rushing it out the gate. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
After days of writer’s block holding me back, I was able to resume progress on Chapter 38 of Tellus. It wasn’t enough to get the chapter out for the deadline, though, so I’m just going to have to push it back to next week. And if that wasn’t enough, I’ve been chewing through my lead time on CeleKing3, so I need to be thinking of that as well, but for the moment, it’s Tellus where I’m behind, so that’s where I need to continue to focus. I’ve just got to put my nose to the grindstone. More to come. Stay tuned.
I did some work on Chapters 38 and 39 of Tellus. I’d like to keep working on them through the week, but I may also stray in a few other directions. Stay tuned.
I managed to finish Chapter 37 of Tellus, but rather than try to release it in the wee hours of the morning, I decided to let it sit for a day so I’d have a slightly better chance of it not being riddled with embarrassing typos once I post it. Now if we can just get another chapter or two knocked out by the week’s end. Stay tuned.
You’d think it wouldn’t be so hard to take a couple minutes to post my progress, but it has a way of slipping my mind. I’m going to be finishing Chapter 37 of Tellus right down at the line, but I have been making some good progress. Also, there was a little more work than I was expecting putting the finishing touches on Chapter 12 of JJ2. I’ll be continuing with Tellus until I at least get another chapter done. (What was originally Chapter 37 is going to be split into two chapters. You could argue the focus of the original 37 has been pushed entirely to 38.) More to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Hannibal, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Hannibal, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I said I was going to switch to Tellus, but I spent a couple days wrapping up Chapter 12 of JJ2 before finally resuming work on Chapter 37 of Tellus. It is, of course, difficult to resist the call of FE16, but I do need to at least have the one chapter ready before its scheduled release next Tuesday. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Hannibal, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Hannibal, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Although some days had less progress than others, I was able to finish Chapter 36 of Tellus and start on Chapter 37. If I can maintain this level of progress, I should be able to finish the book in the next two or three sessions. Speaking of finishing books, I should really think about making the final push in CeleKing3. I’ve put it off for too long. Stay tuned.
I didn’t make much progress Monday or Tuesday, but Wednesday saw decent strides in Chapter 36 of Tellus. I’m on the last scene of the chapter, so another day or so and I should have it done. Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 35 of Tellus and moved on to Chapter 36. Don’t know how long the latter will take. Depends on how many scenes I decide to put in. Another week with Tellus and I should find myself with some breathing room. More to come. Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 11 of JJ2 and started in on Chapter 35 of Tellus. I plan on sticking with Tellus through next week, so I’m hoping to get two or three chapters done. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Hannibal, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Hannibal, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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