WIP Update – 28, 30 Jun – 02 Jul 22
I managed to just barely finish Chapter 9 of TWH in time for the update and also started in on Chapter 10. I need to switch over to NagaTen. Stay tuned.
I managed to just barely finish Chapter 9 of TWH in time for the update and also started in on Chapter 10. I need to switch over to NagaTen. Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 8 of TWH for the update and made some progress on Chapter 9 as well. I was spinning my tires a bit mid-week, so I found myself doing a re-read of KniTwi and catching a few errors that slipped past me in earlier drafts. I’ll be shifting gears to NagaTen. As I’ve got a bit a lead time, I’d like to go ahead and finish Chapter 9 of TWH, but we know how those plans usually turn out. Stay tuned.
As you saw, I managed to finish Chapter 7 of TWH, admittedly fairly close to the wire. I also managed to write a bit on Chapter 8, so maybe I won’t be so hard-pressed when TWH’s turn comes up again. I’m going to switch gears to NagaTen, but I’d like to finish Chapter 8 of TWH as well if I can. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I made a little progress on Chapter 7 of TWH and did more work in the WttW peripheral materials. I really need to buckle down more on making story progress, but we’ll see if I can actually buckle down during Golden Week. I’ll make a goal of finishing a chapter in TWH and NagaTen each. Will I pull it off? Who knows? Stay tuned.
As you can see, I got Chapter 5 of TWH done in time for the update, and, as you’d expect, I spent the rest of my time continuing my work in WttW. And I haven’t just been working in the peripheral materials either. I’ve gotten up to Chapter 7 in RttW. That one decision I’ve had misgivings about is pretty well locked in at this point, so I’m just going to have to deal with the consequences. World-building yet character-destroying, though hopefully as I develop the story further, the context will at least make it feel organic. Just going to have to roll the dice, I guess.
Expect more of the same this week, though I will try to at least finish another chapter of NagaTen while I’m at it. Stay tuned.
As you can see by looking at the main site, I did in fact manage to get Chapter 4 of TWH finished in time for the update and went on to write something like a whole sentence on Chapter 5. (I’ll obviously have to do a fair bit more than that in the next three weeks.)
Of course, I’ve continued to spend most of my time in the peripheral materials for WttW. Yes, the level of detail I’m going into is insane, but I’m enjoying myself and what more can you ask for out of life? I’ve started to seed the different zones (or Trials as they’re known in-universe) with wildlife, natural resources and such and as that gets done, I’ll have a better grasp of how the global economy operates. Eventually I need to start running combat simulations to test the game balance as well. Fun, fun, fun.
Although I’m going to be continuing full speed ahead on my development of WttW, I also need to do some writing on NagaTen. I’ve still got plenty of time before it gets released, but I would like to patch the holes in Chapter 7 at the very least. We’ll see what I get accomplished. Stay tuned.
P.S. The latest post to get assailed by spammers was “On Values Dissonance” with over 500 rubbish posts. If we had a more active community, I’d like to leave that one open for discussion, but as non-spamming traffic is quite light, I’ve gone ahead and locked comments for the time being. I may open it up later if ever there’s a demand for it.
I made some progress on Chapter 4 of TWH and then jumped ahead to knock out Chapter 6. I need to fill in the gaps on Chapter 4 to round it out, but I haven’t quite gotten to that yet. I also did some work on yet another TBA project. Properly announcing all these TBA projects is something I’ll be going forward with in the very near future. In the meantime, I’ll be switching over to EM3 and possibly going back to patch some of the holes in NagaTen and TWH. Stay tuned.
I made some progress on Chapter 4 of TWH, but also wrote the prologue of EM3 and the prologue for one of those pre-production projects I have yet to announce. I was also doing a lot of work in the peripheral materials for yet another one of those TBA projects. I suppose I’ll be focusing on EM3 from here. Stay tuned.
I made a little progress on Chapter 4 of TWH, but mostly fiddled around with some background research and such. I told myself I was going to set aside time to write, unlike my usual pattern, only for my usual pattern to win out. I’ve still got a decent chunk of the story rather hazy and I need to get that sorted out. I’ll probably stick to that a while before switching over. Stay tuned.
I finished up Chapters 6 and 8 of NagaTen and started in on Chapter 9. I have some gaps to patch over, but I can get to that on the next round. Now it’s time to switch over to TWH. Stay tuned.