I made some more progress on Chapter 21 of Tico4. Life would be a lot easier for me if I discounted my shortfall during the downtime, but I really want to square the account. I really need to buckle down and just write. Maybe it’ll happen soon. Stay tuned.
I made some more progress on Chapter 21 of Tico4 and mostly finished Chapter 23. A little under quota but progress is progress. More to come. Stay tuned.
I pretty well finished Chapter 20 of Tico4 and did a little work on Chapters 21 and 23. Perhaps if I hadn’t picked up Suikoden II so I can move on to the two gaiden games and Suiko3, I’d be even farther along. We’ll see how things shake out. Stay tuned.
I made some more progress on Chapter 20 of Tico4. I just have a little further to go before finishing it, so I think I’ll at least do that much before switching over. Because I didn’t make much progress at all last week, I’m debating whether or not I want to switch over at all. Part of me likes the idea of generally focusing on the same Arc as the weekly update, but we’ll see. Stay tuned.
I’m slowly but surely starting to settle into a sort of equilibrium with my new circumstances and should be getting back on track. I managed to mostly finish chapters 17, 18 and 19 of Tico4 and do a little work on Chapters 20 and 21. I may spend another day working on it before I switch over. Stay tuned.
You should already be aware of all the stuff that’s been going on lately that have thrown me off schedule and under quota. Things are settling down, though, and though it’d be more merciful to just overlook the gap in progress, I intend to make up for it. This means I’ve got 5K to make up in addition to the daily quota. I intend to work it down, but it may take a few days. At very least, I managed to squeeze out the daily quota yesterday amid everything else, writing a bit on a Space Arc short. Honestly, if there was someone dictating the dialog I was testing out during the drive back to Tejas, I’d probably be more than halfway toward my goal of making up lost progress. Well, nothing to it but to do it. Stay tuned.
I made a little progress on Chapter 18 of Tico4, but most of the day’s writing was done on CeleKing2. It’s perhaps fitting that my great interest in this story matches the sort of focused effort I devoted to Junker Jorg last year, seeing as how both are dream-inspired stories. Those seem to have a particular appeal to me. Anyway, I’d like to at least get a chapter or two more of Tico4 wrapped up before I switch back over to TTWC2. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Space Arc, Tico4, Ticonderoga, WIP Update
CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Space Arc, Tico4, Ticonderoga, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I’ve mostly finished Chapter 16 of Tico4 and also did a fair bit of work on Chapters 17 through 20. I stand a good chance of getting a couple the chapters in that set finished before the weekend’s out. A fairly pleasantly productive week, I’d say. Stay tuned.
I went ahead and added the couple chapters I hinted at earlier. This may throw off some of the earlier entries in WIP Update series, but I don’t think anyone’s making some chart of my progress by story and chapter or anything. One of them is the new Chapter 20 and the other was stuck on the end at Chapter 32. Chapter 20 brings us back to our leads for a bit before continuing into the next arc and Chapter 32 helps tie things up after the climax. I wrote a little dialog for both. I need to update the table of contents on the site, but I haven’t committed to a name for Chapter 20 yet. I’ll get that sorted out. Stay tuned.
Made progress on Chapter 16 of Tico4. Also did a little bit on Chapter 20 and 21. I’m a little worried about pacing coming out of Chapter 16, so I may be making some adjustments to the overall chapter structure. Might be adding a chapter or two. We’ll see. Stay tuned.