I at least accomplished one of my goals, rounding out Chapter 7 of NagaTen, but I didn’t touch on TWH any. You guessed it, I spent most of my time on WttW. However, rather than the peripheral materials, I spent a fair bit of time writing on RttW. I completed Chapter 1 and then got through Chapters 2 and 3 and started on Chapter 4. I may end up scrapping a fair bit of it, though. The main character does some things I’m not happy with. It sets the tone and establishes some concepts I want to convey, but I don’t like that he’s the one to do it. I need to try writing an alternate version and see how that fits. There’s a lot of juicy conflict that can be born of the original version, but I feel I’d lose the vast majority of the audience by doing it. I don’t know.
Anyway, I need to at least get the chapter of TWH that’s due out this weekend done. I’m sure WttW will continue to occupy plenty of my time as well. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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As you might imagine, WttW dominated my time, though I did managed to complete two of the three parts of Chapter 7 of NagaTen, so I almost achieved my stated goal. Other than working on the peripheral materials for WttW, I wrote a fair bit on Chapter 3 of RttW as the confrontation there is something I was itching to put down on (digital) paper.
Going forward, I’d like to finish that chapter of NagaTen and then probably go back to TWH, as I don’t have any buffer built up there, unlike the soon to be released EM3. We’ll see what I get accomplished. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Cross Arc, Else Arc, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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On a whim I decided to start writing on Return to the World. Maybe not so much of a whim given how much I’ve been thinking on the game system and working out the details. I wrote the prologue and part of Chapter 1 before throwing myself into the peripheral materials. I really do have a case of complexity addiction as I keep on adding new mechanics. Some might argue that I’m reinventing the wheel as a lot of PnP RPGs like D&D have already done a lot of this legwork, but I enjoy putting together my own ruleset from scratch. Heaven help anyone who tried to adapt it, though. Even with me using pseudo-programming notation, I shudder to think of the mammoth task of actually programming this monster. LibreOffice has crashed so many times as I’ve been working on the spreadsheet, it’s not even funny. Anyway, I’m probably going to continue working on this for a while, but I’ll try to find time for some actual story writing as well. Stay tuned.