Apr 20 2024

WIP Update – 18-19 Apr 24

While not making much in the way of progress, I was at least going through RttW and doing some editing from around Chapter 2 to Chapter 7. Regarding Chapter 2, here I am so close to the moment of truth and the temptation to chicken out is really strong, but I’m going to bite the bullet and go for it. I plan on having a little chat with the readers after I post it and we’ll see where things go from there. Sometimes I wonder if I’m too conscientious or not conscientious enough. One of life’s many questions. Anyway, I’ll be back in a bit for that chat. Stay tuned.

Feb 26 2024

WIP Update – 25 Feb 24

I continued my adventures with the spellchecker with particular focus on RttW and TWH. Speaking of the latter, I plan on doing a proof sweep like what I’ve been doing with all the Cross Arc stories, which I’m hoping will get me in the right headspace moving forward. Stay tuned.

Feb 15 2024

WIP Update – 13-14 Feb 24

Monday I was mostly busy with the review update, much as I’d be on a normal Sunday. Tuesday I still had that one as of yet untitled story on the mind. I’d brainstormed a few scenes, but I didn’t get much written due to a fuzzy someone’s interference. I managed to switch gears to RttW on Wednesday and write a bit on what should go in Chapter 9 or 10. I was also doing some peripheral work to flesh out some more of the game system.

Besides this, I was continuing my work going through EM2 and digging into EM3 as well. I won’t say there’s a massive amount of errors to be had but definitely more than enough for me to be glad I caught them. Periods where I was having to do things like transcribe handwritten work or use my tablet to write warrant a decent share of the blame for a lot of the typos, but since I’m my only editor, sometimes it takes time for me to come back to a manuscript with a fresh set of eyes to catch things I overlooked in the initial passes. Anyway, that’s enough for now. Work is keeping me hopping at the moment, but I have time opening up in other places that should mean good things for me making progress. Stay tuned.

Jan 28 2024

WIP Update – 27 Jan 24

I had to go to the office for a few hours and didn’t really have anything to do, so I was able to make some progress on Chapter 7 of RttW. I need to be switching over to TWH, though. Stay tuned.

Jan 24 2024

WIP Update – 22-23 Jan 24

Monday was another day of me making minimal progress on Chapter 22 of EM3 before conking out and yesterday would have been even worse, as evidenced by the fact that I didn’t even get to making a simple post like this, but I actually did better than you might think, making some nice headway in Chapter 22 of EM3 while working on the outlines for the WttW series during my free time at work (enjoying it while it lasts, which isn’t long).

I believe I’ve mentioned before that my most recent projects have taught me that writing by the seat of my pants is terrible and a major contributor to all the delays we’ve seen in those projects. I want to avoid that in the future, so I want to go back to putting the proper planning back into the process. That can be a little tricky when I’m pushing myself to consistently release new content, but in the case of RttW, I already have a good headstart that affords me some time to get things sorted out. How well all this works remains to be seen, but if you want to achieve a goal, you’ve got to set it first. Stay tuned.

Dec 18 2023

WIP Update – 16 Dec 23

I made more progress on Chapter 21 of EM3 and also wrote some on Chapter 9 of RttW. I need to be switching gears to TWWH, but I imagine I’ll be drawn back to RttW while I’m at it. Stay tuned.

Dec 10 2023

WIP Update – 09 Dec 23

I put the finishing touches on the epilogue of NagaTen before posting and now it’s done. At 41,441 words, it’s the shortest story I’ve written thus far and will probably warrant an expansion in the future. So, unless my count is off, that makes 23 books completed so far. Not too shabby if I say so myself.

I was also doing some work in the peripheral materials for WttW, which will feed into my work on RttW and such. As far as going forward with RttW as NagaTen’s follow-up is concerned, I already have more than enough written to give me a good head-start, but I need to stick to my pledge to get things properly plotted out beforehand. Work to be done. Anyway, I guess that’s it for now. Stay tuned.

Dec 06 2023

WIP Update – 05 Dec 23

I once again just inched my way through a paragraph of the epilogue of NagaTen before consciousness decided to take its leave of me. It really is dragging things out, isn’t it?

That would be the end of it, but earlier in the day, I found myself having a rather light workday and I was gripped by a sudden surge of inspiration. You see, I’m considering Return to the World as the follow-up to NagaTen and I dang near did the whole week’s quota adding to Chapters 8 and 9. I’d almost forgotten what it feels like for the words to flow so freely. I could get used to it, but the artistic temperament isn’t nearly obliging. Anyway, you can probably expect more to come on that front. Stay tuned.

Apr 25 2022

WIP Update – 18-24 Apr 22

The main thing I accomplished was writing some of Chapter 8 of RttW, but there was also some work in the WttW peripheral materials, though not as much as previously as I’ve been goofing off a lot more. Work is starting up again, which will probably do more for actual story progress (as the story progress mentioned here was done during the days I was called in to sub). I suppose TWH needs some attention, so I’ll try to work on that. Stay tuned.

Apr 11 2022

WIP Update – 04-10 Apr 22

As you can see, I got Chapter 5 of TWH done in time for the update, and, as you’d expect, I spent the rest of my time continuing my work in WttW. And I haven’t just been working in the peripheral materials either. I’ve gotten up to Chapter 7 in RttW. That one decision I’ve had misgivings about is pretty well locked in at this point, so I’m just going to have to deal with the consequences. World-building yet character-destroying, though hopefully as I develop the story further, the context will at least make it feel organic. Just going to have to roll the dice, I guess.

Expect more of the same this week, though I will try to at least finish another chapter of NagaTen while I’m at it. Stay tuned.