I did some work in the peripheral materials, both for CoP and for the WttW series. For the former, I spent an inordinate amount of time working out the rank structure of the military of the Kiennar Federal Republic, even though I don’t think it’ll end up being all that prominent. Their Army Chief of Staff is at best a second-string character, but I guess we’ll see if something develops. I am thinking about doing a gaiden about the political machinations in that particular country, so it may come in handy for later. As for the WttW stuff, I’m working to codify the Trade Skills, as it’s particularly relevant to Chapter 11 of WttW1. We’ll see what else I can get up to. Stay tuned.
Tags: Child of Promise, CoP, Cross Arc, Else Arc, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW1
Child of Promise, Cross Arc, Else Arc, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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The plan was to get Chapter 10 of RttW done in the morning, let it sit for a few hours, then go back over it before posting. It didn’t quite work out that way because I was getting distracted by adding stuff to the peripheral materials, like separate mail sleeves as a medium-level alternative to the plate arm armor set. Anyway, I did get the chapter done in the afternoon and prepped and ready to go in the evening… only to discover that it wasn’t Chapter 10’s turn yet. It was Chapter 9’s turn, so I had to go back and prep it instead. This is why you check things first, not that it hurts to have the next chapter already ready. Maybe I can stay ahead of the game and avoid the sort of delays we’ve seen with TWH and that CoP has been dealing with right out of the gate. More work on the peripheral materials followed after the update. I really should sort out the ability list, but that means squaring away over 400 abilities. Whee fun. Well, complexity addiction is what gave birth to this series, so I’m stuck with it to the bitter end. If I can, I may squeeze in a little more WttW-related work before switching over to TWH for next week. Stay tuned.
Yesterday was a 12-hour monster that didn’t leave me with a lot of time for writing, but I managed to squeeze in a bit of work on Chapter 10 of RttW. Unsurprisingly, when I figured I’d make more progress in the evening, I passed right out. I would decide to try to finish the chapter the following morning. If you’ve been paying attention to the main site, you know how this story goes, but for the sake of narrative continuity, we’ll save that for the next entry. Stay tuned.
I worked more on Chapter 10 of RttW. Due to work stuff going on, I’m a little dubious about making my deadline, but I’m going to try to make the magic happen. I may end up doing like I did last week where I get the chapter finished Saturday morning and then post it in the evening. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
Although I had plenty of work-work to keep me occupied, I did make a little more progress on Chapter 10 of RttW. I don’t think I’ll actually stretch out the chapter too much, so it’s mostly just me filling in narration for the dialog I’ve already written. At this rate, I expect to finish the chapter in time for the weekend, so I just need to buckle down and finish it. Stay tuned.
Despite conking out for most of the evening (and having done the same the night before), I pushed myself to at least do a little work on Chapter 10 of RttW or else I might not get anything done this week. I’ll be glad to have these entrance exams in the rearview mirror. Anyway, I’ll see what I can do to move things along. Stay tuned.
Thursday is my busiest day of the week with my current schedule, and with me having next to no energy by the time I get home lately, I didn’t accomplish much beyond adding a few items to the list, which I didn’t think was enough to warrant a post. My schedule was much more open today, but it was shocking how little I accomplish. For whatever reason, I was working on the map of Korush for CoP a while, then I did a little bit on Chapter 10 of RttW, but I got distracted detailing a relevant key item, then similar items (specifically, contracts and such). From there, I started thinking about the Trade Guilds. In the DnD scenario I was building for my niece a few years back, I drew up the guild structure for the setting, and I don’t intend to reinvent the wheel, but there are some bits that don’t fit the setting of RttW, so I need to account for that, but I didn’t get farther than reviewing the guild list for that setting (there are 108 guilds there with numerous subordinate companies) and thinking about how to work out the Trade Skills system. (I’ve already developed a simplified version for my alternative game system, so I have to decide if I want to go along those lines or do something a little different.) Of course, none of that gets me across the finish line, so we’re going to have to just move the cycle along and come back around next time. I intend to continue working over the weekend, but don’t expect the chapter to be finished just yet. Stay tuned.
Tags: Child of Promise, CoP, Cross Arc, Else Arc, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW, WttW1
Child of Promise, Cross Arc, Else Arc, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I said I was going to focus more on story writing, but I ended up digging into the World’s sumptuary laws (prompted by me expanding the list of clothing items) and revising the section on taxes and such. I did get a little writing done on Chapter 10 of RttW, but by the time I got to it, I was actually writing with my eyes closed as I was struggling to make at least a little progress before crashing out. We’ll see how things develop in the coming days, but at the rate things are going, I may not make the deadline. Stay tuned.
I didn’t get much done in either the story or the peripheral materials, but I did write a little bit on Chapter 10 of RttW. (Once again, I made the mistake of trying to write in the evening and conking out shortly thereafter.) I added a few more articles of clothing to the item list, so you’ve got some more options there. I’ve got a busy day ahead of me, so there may not be much to report in the next entry either. Stay tuned.
I mentioned pockets last time, so I was going through adding storage space to different articles of clothing (and adding some items to the list). Now, unlike a lot of modern clothing, pockets aren’t all that common, so it doesn’t apply to that many items. A particular exception is the Smuggler’s Set, which is loaded with pockets.
I was further developing the mechanics I was working on before and laying some of the groundwork for dealing with things like weather and terrain. (Until now, I’ve only accounted for temperature thus far with some notes on certain items about waterproofing.) Lots of things to deal with.
I started to do a little writing on Chapter 10 of RttW in the evening, but I didn’t last long before conking out. So it goes. I’ll try to focus more on story progress for now. Stay tuned.