I did a little more writing on Nagareboshi Tennyo. I think the premise would’ve made a fine JRPG fifteen or twenty years ago. Given how much JRPGs have been languishing in recent years, maybe it’d be good today too. There are some shades of Grandia and Lunar 2 for sure. Pardon me while I reminisce on my misspent youth.
I’m thinking about redirecting my focus to Tico4 next week. Stay tuned.
I did a little more piddling around with Nagareboshi Tennyo. I don’t have a whole lot of the story figured out besides the basic premise, but it’s fun to play around with. I really enjoy the freedom the Cross Arc grants me when it comes to the setting. The original three Arcs have been so strictly codified that I have to work in rather specific limitations (all self-imposed, admittedly), but the Cross Arc allows me handwave just about anything. I know I should be focusing on Tico4, but I’ve got a decent lead already and sorting out the last bit of Chapter 3 is going to be a bit of a pain, which is why I’m procrastinating. To say nothing of what a terror Chapter 4 is going to be. So it goes. Stay tuned.
I worked on a short that acts as a prequel for KoG1 (actually part of a small series that gives a brief glimpse at each of the six main members of Mark’s party shortly prior to events of the main story). It’s primarily intended as an option to pad out the wordcount in case I’m optioned for publication and the current 60K is deemed insufficient.
I’m also piddling around a bit with the Cross Arc story Nagareboshi Tennyo, mostly just ’cause.
Tags: Cross Arc, Gladius, Knight of Gladius, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, Short Stories, Tellus Arc, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Gladius, Knight of Gladius, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Short Stories, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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