I will provide more details in tomorrow’s post, but I thought I should make a quick note about my progress after this extended absence. I’ve been working almost exclusively on peripheral materials related to Junker Jorg. It’s quite the story, so stay tuned.
I meant to get a post out yesterday, but I didn’t manage it. Well, I’ve covered a fair bit of ground since the last update. I started working on TTWC1 but switched gears fairly early on and found myself working on Junker Jorg. You may recall that I did quite a bit of work on this one during spring break and I found myself just as enraptured this past week. Not only did I finish up Chapter 2 and build on Chapter 3 and beyond, but I also spent a lot of time world-building in the peripheral materials. I really enjoy crafting histories, genealogies and stuff like that. Even though most of the material will never see the light of day, having that much thought out goes a long way toward making the world real for me and hopefully does the same for you, the reader.
I imagine I’ll continue to play with JJ, but I’ll also see if I can’t pick TTWC1 back up. I’d like to keep up the buffer I’ve established.
Just a reminder that I’ll probably have the next update on the site somewhere in the late Thursday/early Friday range. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, JJ, JJ1, Junker Jorg, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC1, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Junker Jorg, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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