I made a little more progress on Chapter 20 of JJ. I spent more time diagramming out how the main action set piece of the chapter plays out and working on some reviews. Now that the weekend’s here, maybe I can make the final push through Chapters 20 and 21. Stay tuned.
I managed to finish Chapter 22 of JJ, write more on Chapter 20 and start in on 23. Besides the actual writing, I spent a lot of time sorting out the timeline, which has resulted in me adjusting some dates. That’ll be reflected in the chapters I already have up when I do the next update. It’s nothing major, but you know what a stickler I am for the fine details. Stay tuned.
I wandered around making progress across Chapters 20, 21 and 22 of JJ, not finishing any of them. By the looks of it, I may end up inching along in all three and then clear them out in a single swoop. At very least, I was able to go far enough to make up for not getting anything written on Monday. The goal is to at least get these three chapters done by the end of the week. Stay tuned.
I managed to drive forward and get through Chapter 23 of EM. That leaves just one more chapter to go and we’ll be able to close the book on the book. I still have very little idea of how I’m going to proceed, but I was pretty fuzzy on the details for 23 and it developed in interesting ways as I went, so we’ll see how this one turns out. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM, EM1, Everyday Magic, JJ, JJ1, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Junker Jorg, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I was double-checking the timeline of events and had some back-and-forth on Chapters 18 and 19 of JJ before I got it all settled, then did a little work on Chapter 21. Yes, Chapter 20 remains unfinished, but I’ll take care of it next cycle. Now I need to switch over to EM and finish the dang thing. Stay tuned.
I did a little writing on Chapter 22 of JJ. Jumping ahead a bit, but it’s a wonder I got any writing done at all. We’ll see if I can manage anything more than that before it’s time to switch over. Stay tuned.
You might be expecting some sort of joke post given the date, but I’m not much of a participant in April Fool’s shenanigans. I made a little progress in Chapter 20 of JJ and jumped ahead to write some dialog for Chapter 22 as well. I’d like to finish the former before the weekend’s out, but there are plenty of other things vying for my time. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
More progress on Chapter 20 of JJ. Still have a ways to go yet. Stay tuned.
I managed to wrap up Chapters 18 and 19 of JJ and make some headway into Chapter 20. Chapter 20 may well prove to be a long one, but we’ll see how far we can go. Stay tuned.
I made up for getting very little writing done Monday by getting much farther along in Chapter 18 of JJ. I’m just doing stage direction and dialog tags for the most part, but this is a pretty long chapter. One more day and I’ll have it knocked out. Chapter 19 will be much shorter, but then 20 looks to be a fairly big one. If I could get at least that far before the weekend’s out, I’d be satisfied. Stay tuned.