I managed to pretty well wrap up Chapter 10 of JJ and make some good headway into Chapter 11. It’s really been nice moving things along these past few days, but that progress may slack off a bit as I deal with a cluster of assignments that’ve come up. I’ll see what I can get done, though. Stay tuned.
I pretty well finished up Chapters 8 and 9 of JJ and made some progress on Chapter 10 as well. It feels nice to move along at a good clip. More to come. Stay tuned.
I managed to get far enough to make up for missing a day. I pretty well wrapped up Chapter 7 of JJ as intended and made some more headway on Chapter 8 as well. Tempting as it is to continue, I should switch over to EM. That second half of Chapter 6 really needs to be written. Stay tuned.
I made more progress on Chapter 7 of JJ. I’d like to finish the chapter before I switch over to EM, but I’ve got some other deadlines to meet, so we’ll see what I get accomplished. As a side note, it’s interesting the sort of research I wind up doing for my stories. Anyway, more to come. Stay tuned.
I made some more progress on Chapter 7 of JJ. One more solid push and I should be able to finish it. Stay tuned.
I’ve managed to make up a bit for some prior sluggishness with solid progress on Chapter 7 of JJ. That progress has been stymied a bit by a fight scene that’s proven a bit difficult to choreograph, but I believe I have a solution. I’ve also written an introduction that serves to clarify the length of the days and years on Miravel, the planet where the story is set. It makes a difference when you’ve got 28-hour days, for one thing. I’ll be adding it in with next week’s update. Stay tuned.
I haven’t made a lot of progress. I did write a bit on Chapters 7 and 10 of JJ and filled out the character glossaries of both JJ and EM up to the current point. Now that I’m caught up on homework, I can focus a little more on writing a bit, but I’ll be right back at it in a couple days. Hopefully I can make some decent headway before then. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM, EM1, Everyday Magic, JJ, JJ1, Junker Jorg, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic, Junker Jorg, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I managed to pretty well finish up Chapter 6 of JJ. I actually had to go back and make some modifications because I was glancing ahead at Chapter 8 and realized I forgot about somebody. Now I can pick up EM and hopefully get a chapter or two knocked out. Chapters 6 and 7 are fairly well along, so wrapping them up should be easy enough. Stay tuned.
I made some more progress on Chapter 6 of JJ. I may keep going to finish the chapter. After that, I’m going to spend some time on EM. In two weeks JJ will debut and then we’ll be alternating between it and EM. Hopefully I can maintain my pace of progress on both so there aren’t any interruptions, but even if there are, I have several Space Arc shorts to fill any gaps. Stay tuned.
I made some progress on Chapter 6 of JJ. I don’t think I can finish it by the end of the weekend, but I can at least make that my aim. Stay tuned.