Mar 11 2025

WIP Update – 11 Mar 25

I spent another day focused on the Tellus Arc peripheral materials, primarily focused on House Wulf, but I did a number of other things like significantly rework Mark’s encyclopedia entry. In case you were wondering, I intend to put this material out in the wiki once I start to put it together. In fact, I may start adding entries there in the very near future so I can officially launch it.

I do have to share one story that came out of yesterday’s work. (Warning: Spoilers for Knight of Gladius: Volume III) You remember Claudius, right? Randwulf’s kid. Mark’s half-brother. (Or would it be three-quarter-brother?) He rode off into the sunset after KoG3, but what happened to him? Well, up until now, I’d said that he returned to the ancestral homeland of Gotland, had a son Roderic and most likely escaped the Planet during the Great Crossing. (I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, but the Great Crossing is a mass exodus of humanity from the Planet. The events of KniTwi are some of the foreshocks of the calamity to come that drives humans away.) Well, now he not only returns to Gotland but specifically to the family’s holdings in Wulfbach and reunites the two branches of the family by marrying the Radwinda the daughter of Friedhardt, the head of the Gotlander branch of House Wulf at the time. (If you’re inclined to get squicked at this, I should note that their common ancestor is six generations back, so don’t get your banjos out just yet.) I expanded his family so that he now has three more children in addition to Roderic: Antonia, Rodwinda and Friedric. The idea was for Claudius to take over the newly unified House Wulf, but you know how he’s not quite built for a fight, so when Lord Friedhardt died, his half-brother Adelhardt took over instead. (Claudius is still listed as a claimant to the title of Lord of Wulf, though.) If Claudius had actually inherited the ancestral gear of the Conquerors, he would’ve had a stronger claim, but Randwulf took it with him.

A fun bit of trivia is that I have since given Claudius a Gotlander name, Rodwulf, which happens to be the same as the eldest son of Wulf the Conqueror. (It wasn’t a coincidence, of course.) Also, his full Roman name is Lucius Claudius Antonius Lupinus. Randwulf’s idea was to have his son start a new branch of House Claudius to maintain standing among the patricians. (I may not have mentioned it elsewhere, but when Nyssa married Randwulf, she called herself Claudia Antonia, posing as a daughter of one of the patrician families of Eagle, hence Claudius’ name.)

Anyway, I continue to flesh out my world. I dipped my toe a bit in House Hassani, but there’s a lot of work that needs to go into that. My sources over 20 years ago for Arabic names weren’t great, so it’s a bit of a mess. Also, dealing with fecund polygamists is, oh, so much fun when building genealogies. As fun as that prospect is, I really do need to turn my attention to RttW and I’ve got some other stuff to deal with as well. Let’s see what I can get done. Stay tuned.

Mar 11 2025

WIP Update – 10 Mar 25

I didn’t feel that writing a couple sentences to finish off Chapter 3 of CoP was quite enough to warrant a post (though I know I’ve done it for such minimal work before). I did go ahead and do most of the work for the review post, so it wasn’t like I was spending the day idly. Anyway, we had a rather sharp contrast with all the work I’ve done on the Tellus Arc peripheral materials since. I’ve been focusing on the houses of the Eight Stars, especially House Leon, House Crucis and House Wulf. I decided to have House Leon belong to a line of rí túath (a sort of tribal chieftain/petty king), so I ended up creating a thousand-year line of succession for it. However, the main line eventually gets excluded, which explains how they ended up in Gladius. There’s a similar story with House Wulf, where the family ends up splitting into the half that carries on the Conqueror’s mantle and the half that rules the freehold granted to Wulf by the Emperor after the War of Ban. If this was not enough, the Gladian lord Ingwald of Glasford (a fiefdom in the area of Stormtree) provides the glue to bind the two houses together.

You see, Gearalt the sixth Defender was not chosen to be the tanist to succeed his father as rí túath, so he ventured out to seek his fortunes abroad. He spent a spell in Titan as a mercenary before returning to his homeland of Fodla to be rejected a second time, so he then went to the Greater Gotland Empire, where lent his sword to the faction supporting the future Emperor Reinhardt III. This faction also included Ingwulf the sixth Conqueror. Ingwulf was already connected to Lord Ingwald of Glasford and when he and Gearalt forged a marriage pact between their grandchildren, Gearalt was added to that connection. This was what led his son Leander to participate in the Gladian War of Unification, which brings us to the status quo you’re familiar with from the Gladius Cycle stories. In fact, Percival’s maternal uncle Ingwald (the grandson of the previously mentioned Lord Ingwald and the head of the cadet branch of House Wulf that took possession of the family’s Gotland holdings) was the one acting as his proxy as head of House Leon during his minority. You might find it ironic that the two families are so closely knitted together given what happens in the stories, but this sort of thing wasn’t all that uncommon in real world history, so it shouldn’t be much of a surprise in fictional history inspired by the real thing. For some real fun, did you know that House Hassani has married into House Crucis not just once but twice? That’s a story for another day, though.

I’m having a lot of fun with this, of course, but I really do need to redirect some of this energy. We’ll see if I manage it or not. Stay tuned.

Feb 04 2025

WIP Update – 03 Feb 25

It took me some digging, but I was able to sort out the issue with the T3W spreadsheet. The problem was that there was an offset in the entries of the private forces to account for neutral parties that threw off my formula. Well, now that that’s fixed, maybe I can actually turn my focus back to TWH. Stay tuned.

Mar 24 2024

What’s in a Name?

I didn’t do any work on the website, so I might as well talk a bit about what I did instead. You may recall that I mentioned doing some reworking of the House Wulf family tree. Of course, if I did it for one of the Eight Stars, I’d have to do it for the others, and some were a lot more effort than others. I was just kinda picking at it until I just went in full-bore and devoted a whole day’s efforts to it.

One of my dictionaries, one with encyclopedic material, included a section on the etymology of names and that was my first reference when it came to naming characters. I would go on to transcribe by hand a dedicated dictionary of names and compile numerous other sources as well. That being said, when I was first naming characters, I was only looking at the meaning of the name. I wasn’t thinking about the heritage of the character, whether the name was anachronistic or not, etc. I’ve gone through one or two passes of revisions over the years, but amid the reconstruction efforts (and my earlier campaign of proofing my manuscripts), I started thinking about these things even harder and working to amend incongruencies where I found them. While doing this, I was also painting a clearer history of the families. For instance, House Wulf was originally based in Gotland before moving to Skadia and later Titan (then to Gladius and ultimately back to Gotland). Despite the heirs of House Wulf ultimately becoming more Northman than Gotlander, they nevertheless maintain an old Germanic naming convention. Claudius is actually the first exception (which shows that Randwulf regarded his queen more than family tradition).

Anyway, it’s been a lot of work and the results are going to reverberate throughout the Gladius Cycle. Instead of making piecemeal changes here and there, I’ll just wait to fully implement the changes when it comes time to proof the manuscripts. Fun, fun, fun, but before that, I should get back to work on the site. I imagine other detours will crop up amid the slog of plugging in the remaining 1926 reviews, so I’ll be sure to comment then. Stay tuned.

Mar 16 2024

The Road to Reconstruction – Day 14

I did pretty well for myself today. I got through KoG2 and 3, T3W and KniTwi, as well as adding a fair number of teasers. From here, I can focus on the remaining Cross Arc stories and any other odds and ends and that should wrap up the Stories section of the site. I should be able to get all that done by the time the weekend’s out. From there, I can start getting the reviews back up, and once all the content is restored, I can start fighting with Drupal so I can get things looking the way I want. By my estimates, it’ll probably take another two weeks. We’ll tentatively set our goal at being fully functional by Easter. Now it’s back to work for me. Stay tuned.

P.S. While working on T3W, I did get sidetracked a bit doing some renaming of characters for greater consistency. Ended up renaming about half of Randwulf’s family tree, and that’s just for starters. I still have the other seven of the Eight Stars to go, but I’ll save that for another time, and maybe explain things in a Commentary post.

Jun 13 2022

WIP Update – 06-11 Jun 22

I finished Chapter 8 of TWH for the update and made some progress on Chapter 9 as well. I was spinning my tires a bit mid-week, so I found myself doing a re-read of KniTwi and catching a few errors that slipped past me in earlier drafts. I’ll be shifting gears to NagaTen. As I’ve got a bit a lead time, I’d like to go ahead and finish Chapter 9 of TWH, but we know how those plans usually turn out. Stay tuned.

Sep 13 2021

WIP Update – 06-11 Sep 21

Getting back to work meant getting back to work… work on writing, that is. I managed to get through Chapter 21 of KniTwi and went on to do Chapter 22 and then finish the epilogue to wrap up the book. Maybe I can finish EM2 when its turn comes around next. Stay tuned.

Aug 29 2021

WIP Update – 27 Aug 21

I made a little progress on Chapter 21 of KniTwi, by which I mean very little, but I’ve at least started the dang thing. Now I need to actually push ahead and finish the dang thing. Stay tuned.

Jun 23 2021

WIP Update – 14-19 Jun 21

I’m running behind left, right and center, aren’t I? Well, let’s get you all up to date on my progress last week, especially when the end result was another release delay. So I picked up my work on Chapter 20 of KniTwi. All well and good. I made a fairly significant change in the sequence of events from my earlier draft of the story and was left wondering how to time the transition between Chapters 20 and 21. The end of the week rolled along and I still didn’t have it figured out, hence the delay. Rather than brute-force a solution when I got to that sticking point, I decided to move on ahead. Because of the ambiguity with where Chapter 20 should end and where 21 should begin, I skipped over 21 and for no particular reason, skipped Chapter 22 as well. I suppose I just wanted to write down the confrontation in Chapter 23. Well, I did that, continued through Chapter 24 and got about halfway into the epilogue. If I can swing another week this productive, I’ll have the book finished. Wouldn’t that be a treat? I’m still puzzling over the ending to Chapter 20, but I’ve got some extra time to figure it out. Stay tuned.

Jun 13 2021

WIP Update – 07-11 Jun 21

If I was on the ball, I would’ve finished Chapter 20 of KniTwi and maybe even knocked out one or two more chapters while I was at it. Instead I wrote a little bit, then wrote this unrelated chapter that I think is going somewhere in the Legend of Nell series, but I don’t actually know where at the moment. I then decided to reread Tellus and managed to uncover a couple dozen typos that escaped my initial passes through the story. Finally I got a tiny bit more done on Chapter 20. I’m going to have to buckle down as the chapter is due out next Saturday. Stay tuned.