I put those finishing touches on Chapter 26 of CeleKing3 and finished Chapter 27 as well, so other than getting the last bit transcribed and going over the manuscript from top to bottom, I’m done with the book. What are we at, 19 now? Yay.
From there, I started on Chapter 19 of JJ2 and I’ll be continuing with that for a while, then it’s back to KniTwi. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I’ve been working on Chapter 27 of CeleKing3. Dealing with fight choreography of course means it’s slow going, but I’m making headway and should be done soon. With that and the finishing touches on Chapter 26, I’ll be done with the book, so I’m looking forward to that. Stay tuned.
I really need to get back to making these posts more frequently. I’ve gotten through most of Chapter 26 of CeleKing3 and just need to round off the last little bit. From there I went on to work on the prologue of The Knight’s Twilight (which from here on will be referred to as KniTwi). It may not sound like a lot of progress over a week and a half, but at least it’s been consistent progress, which is at least a step in the right direction.
Once I’m done with KniTwi’s prologue, I’ll be switching over to JJ2. More to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, KniTwi, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Gladius, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I knocked out Chapter 17 of JJ2 and then moved on to Chapter 26 of CeleKing3. Once I’m through with that, I’ll probably dig into Tellus‘ successor. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, The Miravel World War, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I managed to finish Chapter 23 of CeleKing3 and make some progress on Chapter 26. I’m going to go ahead and switch back over to Tellus, as that’s bound to take more time. Stay tuned.
I’ve made some more progress in Chapter 21 of CeleKing3, but I haven’t quite finished the chapter, to say nothing of finishing the dang book. I really need to switch over, though, so I’ll be giving JJ2 some attention. Stay tuned.
I’m trudging along through the new Chapter 21 of CeleKing3. The lofty goal of finishing the book over the long weekend clearly isn’t happening, but I’m going to stick with the book throughout the week before switching over. Stay tuned.
I’ve been letting the usual distraction occupy me when I should be writing. I’ll admit that scripting this last stretch of CeleKing3 continues to be a challenge. I’ve been doing more previz than actual writing, but I have made progress on what’s now Chapter 27 as I’ve decided to add a new Chapter 21 to better set things up for the final stretch.
Well, because my travel plans have been cancelled and I have a four-day weekend ahead of me, maybe I can actually get some stuff done. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I did a little writing on Chapter 22 of CeleKing3 but strayed into Chapter 31 of Tellus. I’m in more of a bind in terms of lead time with the latter anyway, so I guess I’m just getting an early start on the next cycle. Maybe I just need to let CeleKing3 rest a bit until the inspiration strikes me to get me through to the end. I know the main things that have to happen. It’s just getting to those story beats that’s a problem. More to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I finished Chapter 24 of CeleKing3 (which is admittedly a rather short chapter) and went back to work on Chapter 22 a bit. I’ve got a bit of writer’s block holding me back, but I’m so close to finishing I just want to push my way through. We’ll see what the weekend brings. Stay tuned.