I did some writing on Chapter 9 of EM2, but I once again found myself going back to old material and rereading TBP, mostly for entertainment purposes, but I was also catching a number of typos and such I didn’t correct when I first posted the chapters. I’d like to finish the chapter of EM2, but I need to switch over to KniTwi if I’m going to make this week’s deadline. We’ll see what I get done. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Hannibal, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Hannibal, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I finished Chapter 29 of JJ2, then did Chapter 8 of EM2 and after that, started Chapter 11 of KniTwi. I’ll be sticking with KniTwi until I finish said chapter. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I finished up Chapter 10 of KniTwi and Chapter 7 of EM2. There was a day of nothing and then I started in on Chapter 28 of JJ2. I’ll be continuing on that because it’s in the chute for next week. I was stuck at first, but I think I’ve got an angle that’ll work. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Junker Jorg 2, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I’ve made some more progress on Chapter 7 of EM2. I’d like to go ahead and finish it, but I’ve got to get Chapter 27 of JJ2 ready this week, so I’ll probably switch gears to that. We’ll see how things go. Stay tuned.
Can you believe it? (You probably can.) Two whole weeks wide open and I didn’t do a single bit of writing in all that time. I really do need to keep my day job because it doesn’t seem like I actually get any writing done when my time is all free (except if I’d find myself without an Internet connection, perhaps).
Anyway, once I got back into the swing of things, I finished Chapter 9 of KniTwi and started on Chapter 10, then switched to work on Chapter 7 of EM2. I suppose we’ll keep things orderly and get through Chapter 7 of EM2 before switching over to JJ2. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I finished Chapter 6 of EM2, so now it’s time to go back to JJ2. We’re on a half-day schedule through August, so maybe I can actually make some good progress in that time. Stay tuned.
I was moving along in Chapter 7 and 8 of KniTwi and Chapter 6 of EM2. In fact, while I was pretty well done with Chapter 7 of KniTwi, I wanted to let it set a couple days before posting it, so I thought I’d simply have two story posts next week. However, some snafu cropped up and my work on KniTwi was lost. I’m now going to have to rewrite most of what I’d done. If I wanted to put a happy face on it, I’d say anything that’s written is better rewritten, but that doesn’t make me feel any better about lost progress. However, I’m going to have some days off this week, so maybe I can recover lost ground and blaze on ahead. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I continued working on Chapter 4 of EM2. Haven’t quite gotten it finished, but I managed to connect the bits and pieces I’ve been working on and just need to bridge that to the end. Once I take care of that, it’s on to KniTwi. Stay tuned.
I’ve been making good progress on Chapter 4 of EM2, expanding it well beyond my original plan, requiring me to split off material I had previously merged. I’d like to have a little more back and forth between locations and POV charas, but right now I feel it would disturb the flow to jump around just yet. Maybe I’ll reevaluate it later. We’ll see. I think I’ll finish the chapter before switching back to KniTwi. More to come. Stay tuned.
I finally got through Chapter 3 of EM2 and did a little on Chapter 4 as well as I ended up shuffling around some of the content. I did say I was going to start back on KniTwi and did a few sentences on Monday before going back to EM2. Now I’ll really focus on KniTwi for a bit. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, KniTwi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Gladius, Post-Apocalyptic, Tellus Arc, The Knight's Twilight, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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