I had a busy day. Not only was I implementing all those edits I’d been collecting over the week for TG, JJ1 and JJ2, but I also decided to actually make use of my word processor’s custom dictionary (a practice I fell out of because I got tired of starting the process all over again every time I had to migrate to a new machine). In this process, I caught some typos that would’ve slipped past me otherwise, not just in the three stories above but also in CeleKing1-3, EM1-3 and NagaTen. Just dealing with the Cross Arc was enough to keep me occupied for the time being, but I’ll deal with the other Arcs in the near future.
While I was doing that, I made a significant change. Well, it’s significant behind the scenes but only required one or two changes in the stories themselves. You see, back when I was writing CeleKing3, I decided that it would be simplest to use the year of adoption for the designation of Imperial weapons, i.e. the P777 was adopted in NE 777. However, CeleKing3 originally took place in NE 723. Yes, I could’ve just changed the designations of all the Imperial weapons, but instead I decided to shift the whole series one hundred years into the future. This might seem like a drastic step, but it actually made sense with the wider lore of the Cross Arc. You notice how there’s no mention of the Hybrids in the CeleKing series? Well, if I set the series after NagaTen (NE 745) and EM3 (NE 767), you can imagine a very good reason for that. Since there’s no mention of Hybrids in even later storied like JJ2 (NE 968) and TG (NE 1032), it starts to paint a bit of a picture. That being said, instead of changing a few weapon names in a couple chapters of CeleKing3, I had to go into the peripheral materials and change all the citations in the encyclopedia, timeline, genealogies, etc. Most of it was just applying a 100-year adjustment to the dates. I didn’t add any new members to the Imperial Family, though. Now the Yuanguang Emperor reigns for a whopping 167 years, but with juvenation therapy, it’s not all that wild. He dies at the age of 266, but Wuzong (who Yasuko killed in CeleKing2) was still rather peppy at 231 (though Erdi’s juvenation therapy had improved by then, so that makes a difference). Another significant change is that Princess Anmei (wife of the Yuanguang Emperor’s brother) wasn’t killed during the purge of the Sun Faction but instead in an assassination attempt on the future Emperor Wude. (She still gets posthumously honored as Empress Bian when Wude takes the throne, and it prompted me to add a whole thing where Wude’s successor Wuzheng was the son of a concubine and all the mess that led to. Fun times.)
I think I may start doing sweeps in the Space and Tellus Arcs and see what that brings up. I’ll then try to gear myself to focusing on TWH next week. Hopefully there won’t be any more head trauma cramping my style. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing, CeleKing1, CeleKing2, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Commentary, Cross Arc, EM, EM1, EM2, EM3, Everyday Magic, Everyday Magic 2, Everyday Magic 3, Fifth Empire, JJ, JJ1, JJ2, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Miscellany, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, TG, Tzipi's Garden, WIP Update
CeleKing1, CeleKing2, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Commentary, Cross Arc, Everyday Magic, Everyday Magic 2, Everyday Magic 3, Fifth Empire, Junker Jorg, Junker Jorg 2, Miscellany, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, Tzipi's Garden, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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As noted in the previous post, I’ve been kept rather busy of late, and while I may not have been able to sit down and focus on story progress, I have managed to continue my scans through EM3 and then NagaTen. I then had to implement all the changes across EM2, EM3 and NagaTen. (Remember that I have to apply the changes to the original manuscript, the offline HTML backup, and the online version.) Loads of fun.
And of course amidst all this, I have work at work and my resident office productivity specialist at home interfering with me getting to dedicate time to actual writing. Still, it is what it is and at least I’m not left entirely empty-handed, as editing is an important part of the writing process, even if it’s edits done to stories that have been posted for months or even years. Anyway, we’ll see what I can accomplish over the weekend. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM2, EM3, Everyday Magic 2, Everyday Magic 3, Nagareboshi Tennyo, NagaTen, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Everyday Magic 3, Nagareboshi Tennyo, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Monday I was mostly busy with the review update, much as I’d be on a normal Sunday. Tuesday I still had that one as of yet untitled story on the mind. I’d brainstormed a few scenes, but I didn’t get much written due to a fuzzy someone’s interference. I managed to switch gears to RttW on Wednesday and write a bit on what should go in Chapter 9 or 10. I was also doing some peripheral work to flesh out some more of the game system.
Besides this, I was continuing my work going through EM2 and digging into EM3 as well. I won’t say there’s a massive amount of errors to be had but definitely more than enough for me to be glad I caught them. Periods where I was having to do things like transcribe handwritten work or use my tablet to write warrant a decent share of the blame for a lot of the typos, but since I’m my only editor, sometimes it takes time for me to come back to a manuscript with a fresh set of eyes to catch things I overlooked in the initial passes. Anyway, that’s enough for now. Work is keeping me hopping at the moment, but I have time opening up in other places that should mean good things for me making progress. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, Else Arc, EM2, EM3, Everyday Magic 2, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, RttW, Welcome to the World, WIP Update, WttW
Cross Arc, Else Arc, Everyday Magic 2, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, Return to the World, Welcome to the World, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I only did a little writing on Chapter 23 of EM3, but I did spend a fair bit of time sorting out the corrections I’ve been making to EM1 and EM2 and also writing on a little short that came to me in a moment of inspiration and may be developed into something at a later date. We’ll see how things go. Stay tuned.
Tags: Cross Arc, EM, EM1, EM2, EM3, Everyday Magic, Everyday Magic 2, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update
Cross Arc, Everyday Magic, Everyday Magic 2, Everyday Magic 3, Post-Apocalyptic, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I was called back in to work sooner than originally planned, but the upside of this was that I actually got some writing done. I managed to knock out Chapter 26 of EM2, which does it for that. One scene grew a bit longer than I wanted, so I went ahead and transferred that over to Chapter 1 of EM3, which I’ll need to start working on more in the coming days in preparation for its launch in a couple months.
Now, while I haven’t done much writing over the break, I have been working a decent bit on a concept I’ve moved into preproduction. Expect a teaser to be posted in the near future. I think I’ll be switching over to NagaTen now. Stay tuned.
I wrapped up Chapter 24 of EM2 and made some good progress on Chapter 25 as well. I’ll be switching over to NagaTen. Stay tuned.
I mostly finished Chapter 23 of EM2 and started on Chapter 24 as well. Now I need to be getting back to NagaTen. Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 22 of EM2 and wrote a bit more on what’s now Chapter 23. I’ll be turning back to TWH. I only work two days this week, so I’m either going to have to pack more into those days or make a point to actually make progress on my off days. Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 19 of EM2 and went on to knock out Chapters 20 and 21 as well and start on Chapter 22. (Eagle-eyed readers will note that I’ve reshuffled the last few chapters a bit.) Because I’ve finished JJ2 and KniTwi, I might just keep working on EM2. Otherwise I’ll try to figure out what I want to put next in the pipe and work on that. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
Nothing like an impending deadline to compel you to get things done. I finally managed to complete Chapter 17 of EM2, so that’s something. Now I need to get to work on KniTwi. Let’s see if I can actually meet my deadline this time around. Stay tuned.