I made more progress in Chapter 11 of CeleKing3, but instead of focusing just on that, a whim took hold of me and I also wrote on Chapter 1 of Nell1. I’ve been wanting to get a couple of scenes out of my head for a while now, so I decided to just go ahead and do it.
Finishing Chapter 12 of CeleKing3 may be a step too far, but I should at least be able to finish Chapter 11 before switching out again. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Else Arc, Fifth Empire, Nell1, The Legend of Nell, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Else Arc, Fifth Empire, Nell1, The Legend of Nell, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I made a little more progress on Chapter 11 of CeleKing3. Under quota, but I was doing some related research (and plenty of unrelated goofing off as well, of course). I plan on making up for lost progress. Getting through Chapter 11 should be easy enough to do, but I may not quite finish Chapter 12 before the weekend’s out. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I finished up Chapter 10 of CeleKing3 and moved on to Chapter 11. Moving ever closer to my goal. Stay tuned.
I made more progress on Chapter 10 of CeleKing3. Another solid day’s work and I should have it finished. More to come. Stay tuned.
I finished Chapter 9 of CeleKing2 and added a bit more to Chapter 10. The objective for the week is to finish through Chapter 12 at least. We’ll see how things go. Stay tuned.
All I got done on Saturday was catch up on my transcriptions, so no progress to note there. I had a good opportunity to make some headway Sunday, but I mostly frittered away my free time and only made some minor edits to Chapter 9 of CeleKing3 as I was planning to start there and close up the current gaps in the narrative between Chapters 9 and 12.
I decided to go ahead and switch over to Tellus after that, but I was too tired to get much writing done and I couldn’t rightly remember where I left off in Chapter 14 anyway, but when I did pick it back up, I wrote a little bit, not really enough to warrant mention, but I’m mentioning it anyway as it beats having any larger of a gap in these updates.
Maybe I can turn it around, but don’t hold your breath. You’ve heard this song and dance from me before. We’ll see what happens, though. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update
CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Hannibal, Tellus, Tellus Arc, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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More progress on Chapter 12 of CeleKing3. More to come. Stay tuned.
I made some further minor progress on Chapter 12 of CeleKing3. It’s barely worth mentioning, but given how much I was struggling against conking out while writing it, I’m going to mention it anyway. Hopefully I can pick up the pace and meet quota before the week’s out. Stay tuned.
I inched along a little more in Chapter 12 of CeleKing3. I really shouldn’t bring my smartphone to work. I don’t hardly get any writing done that way. Well, more to come. Stay tuned.
I wrote a little on Chapter 12 of CeleKing3. I’ve jumped around so much that it’s a little hard to keep things straight when I’m away from my computer, but I guess that’s part of the fun. More to come. Stay tuned.