I did some writing on CeleKing3 and gave the outline a little more meat while I was at it. I don’t quite have the entire story locked in yet, but I’m getting there. I got a bit of extra inspiration watching Curse of the Golden Flower (which isn’t really an accurate translation of the original and much cooler 满城尽带黄金甲). The Celestials are more trying to ape the Han Dynasty while the movie depicts period after the fall of the Tang Dynasty, but it’s more of a theme park mishmash anyway. A lot of the intrigue is exactly how I want to portray Celestial society and there was abundant visual inspiration to be had. I’m much more familiar with depictions of courtly life in Japan, so the costuming was a little surprising to me. Anyway, we’ll see if I stick with CeleKing a little while longer or if I switch over to Tico4. Stay tuned,
I did some work on Medusa’s Chapter 1 and 3 of TTWC2. In all truth, I wasn’t paying as close attention to the timeframe of Chapter 1 and had to do some adjustment to make events properly mesh with the timeline. It’s a good thing I mark the chapters with the dates or that would’ve been a lot more work later on.
Wanting a bit of a change of pace, I started playing around with the Celestial Kingdom books again, doing some light editing of what I’ve already written and trying to fill out the outline more and get the plot squared away. I still have very little sorted out for CeleKing1 and huge gaps in CeleKing2 and 3. Things to do, things to do. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing1, CeleKing2, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update
CeleKing1, CeleKing2, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, Tellus Arc, Trident War Chronicles, TTWC2, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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Although I’m under quota and still behind, I have done a little writing on CeleKing3 and done a little more work sorting out the overall plotline. Don’t quite have the outline entirely sorted out yet, but it’ll get worked out. Been wrapped up with other stuff. Would really like to get back on track progress-wise. Maybe things’ll be coming together soon. We’ll see how things go. Stay tuned.
I’ve made a little progress on CeleKing3 since I last posted, but I’m still well under quota. As indicated on the main page, I’ve been Disneying it up with the familia. I managed to cap off the magic with my first case of food poisoning, so I’ve been laid low by that. I think I’m on the mend by now, but I’m still a long ways from being at tip-top shape. I’m supposed to be moving out of my current location on Tuesday, so hopefully I’ll be fit to travel by then. I may just have to disregard the quota until I’m settled again. Stay tuned.
It would seem that I’m going to keep you guessing. I worked on CeleKing2 and 3. I should really get the plotline more settled, but I guess knocking out scenes as I get them isn’t a bad thing either. Maybe I’ll devote some time and thought to getting the outlines sorted out. Stay tuned.
I was planning on wrapping up a chapter or two of Tico4, but I wound up doing all my writing on CeleKing2 and CeleKing3. I guess I’m just addicted to Yasuko at the moment. I still have a long ways to go as far as getting the overall plot sorted out, but several key moments have become very clear and I’ve been fleshing them out. It is indeed a lot like my burst of inspiration for JJ. Though I like to have a rather organized approach to my storytelling, more and more I’m letting my inspiration run free and more fully developing ideas as they come to me, even if that means I’ve got these distinct little islands of detail amidst vast seas of nothing. I suppose I can worry more about connections when stories enter full production. Anyway, I’m rambling at this point. I may or may not do a little more work on Tico4 before switching over to TTWC2. We’ll see. Stay tuned.