I did a little writing on Chapters 1 and 3. I’m starting to spin my tires a bit on the latter, trying to decide how many variations of “Yasuko is ill-adapted for life in Celestial society” are worth doing. I’ll probably cap it at three and call it good. Finishing Chapter 1 is the main objective for the weekend, so we’ll see how that goes. Stay tuned.
I went on to finish the second section of Chapter 2 of CeleKing1 and started in on Chapter 3. I’m honestly rather antsy to get to Chapter 7, where the action begins in earnest. That’s not going to happen this cycle, but if I can finish Chapter 4 by the end of the weekend, I imagine I’ll make it there next cycle. Stay tuned.
I managed to knock out the first section of Chapter 2 of CeleKing2. (I thought I was done with the chapter, but it turns out I accidentally moved content from the second half to Chapter 3. I was wondering why I didn’t have those two scenes in the same chapter and then I see they were supposed to be together all along.) Besides going through Chapter 1 and filling it in this weekend, I also should sit down and work out how to fill the gaps in the story. I have most of the story accounted for, but there are still a few chapters I need to figure out and others I need to clarify. Things to do, things to do. Stay tuned.
I made more progress in Chapter 1 of CeleKing2, up to the point that it’ll be difficult to proceed while matching offline material to what I’ve already written. I’ll probably just move on and then pick up the rest of the chapter over the weekend. Stay tuned.
I managed to get through the prologue of CeleKing2 and start in on Chapter 1. Because I’ve already done quite a bit of writing later in the story, it actually feels a little weird going back to the beginning. Well, filling in the gaps I’ve left in the narrative will all be part of the fun. Stay tuned.
Well, I’m calling it. I put the finishing touches on the epilogue of CeleKing1 and that’s that. My 14th novel is complete. It all feels like it went by really quickly, but I guess that’s not necessarily a bad thing given all the projects in my cue.
I promptly went on to do a little work in the prologue of CeleKing2, but the real work won’t begin until next cycle. I’ve already got about 10K written on that book, so if its predecessor is any indication, that means about 50K more to go. (Honestly, I don’t even have the thing fully plotted yet, so that’s work to be done.)
Anyway, now it’s back to TSoA1. We’ll see how far I can get this week. Because I have Friday off, my schedule’s been compressed a bit, so I won’t have quite as much time for writing as usual. I should still be able to make decent headway, though. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing1, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, WIP Update
CeleKing1, CeleKing2, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I made more progress on Chapter 10 of CeleKing1 and also hopped over to CeleKing2 and 3 to jot down dialog for a couple scenes that have been rattling around in my head. More to come. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing1, CeleKing2, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, WIP Update
CeleKing1, CeleKing2, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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I did some writing on CeleKing2 and am trying to get a rough map of the world drawn up. Speaking of cartography, I really need to make the time to redo the maps for the Tellus Arc stories. I’ve been going on about that for years, but I really need to just sit down and make the time for it. Drawing out by hand is rather painful, but maybe if I use the pen tool in Photoshop or whatever, I can just click out the control points and go from there. We’ll see. Stay tuned.
I did a little writing on CeleKing2. I nearly didn’t get it done, but I pushed myself to meet quota. Really, getting it done first thing is the key. I’ll be switching over to Tico4 and can hopefully finish up a couple chapters before the week is out. Stay tuned.
I did a little writing on CeleKing2 and CeleKing3 and also filled out their outlines a little more. I’ve got a decent chunk of both of them plotted, but I still have a ways to go. Probably will be sticking with the series for another day or two at least. Stay tuned.
Tags: CeleKing2, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, WIP Update
CeleKing2, CeleKing3, Celestial Kingdom, Cross Arc, Fifth Empire, WIP Update | James Carmack |
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